The full moon ball

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~ Unknown ~
Have you ever heard the expression "Don't get too cocky. Life will find ways to humble you"? Well I have way too many times. I'm sick of that quote. That quote is like a punch to the face. It reminds me of how I can't get too comfortable with someone.

I thought about this quote as I sat on the bed in tears. Is it my fault? Did I cause this? I got too damn comfortable and is this how I'm paying for it?

Let's just that life is a bitch, but I never knew just how much of a bitch until now.

~ Kayla ~
I walked behind him curious as to how someone could move so silently, but yet so powerfully. His whole being reeked power. Everyone we passed bowed their heads at this powerful alpha. I was in complete awe. He had all of their respect. That is something alphas need in order to run their pack. It came so easily to him. Almost like tying a shoe. Effortless.

He pushed open the door to his study, his muscles flexing in the slightest and straining his tight t-shirt. I licked my lips involuntarily; however, I watched as his eyes followed that movement, erupting a shiver down my spine. His eyes held a hint of lust, but he blinked and it was gone. His eyes were now trained forward, going back to ignoring my existence.

He motioned with his hand for me to enter first. I was wary as the alpha should always enter the room first. A ghost of smiled made its way onto his face. He was pleased that I knew he must go first. I watched him walk through the door, before I followed suit.

He sat down in his chair, but I stayed standing. I knew I must be blessed with his permission to sit down.

"Sit." He spoke breifly.

He only said this one word, but it made my heart speed up in overdrive. I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my back. I was nervous. Why did he want me in here? I realize I had yet to accept his gracious offer of a place to sit. I quickly sat down, not wanting to anger him with my rude behavior.

I kept my eyes trained at the floor. I had learned over the time I had spent here that I must not look at him in the eye unless told to.

"I have something important to ask of you; however I ask that you think about this with a mature mind."

I looked up into his deep blue eyes, desperately searching for any type of emotion. Nothing.

"Yes master."

He smiled "Would you accompany me to the full moon ball?"

I had no idea what this ball was. I had never heard of it in my life. I was not about to turn him down on his offer. Whether I liked it or not, I had feelings for this man.

"Yes master."

"Good. It's in 2 hours. I will send someone to help you get ready." He said before dismissing me with one last smile.

I walked back to my room preparing for my hair to be ripped out of my skull. Figuratively. I hope.

"Done." The lady stepped back and smiled.

She swiveled my chair that was facing the wall, so it was now facing the mirror. I looked at my reflection in awe.

I had pleaded with them that they should not overdo the makeup. We made a compromise and I had light makeup but red lipstick. My hair was done in long bouncy curls.

I turned around to thank her, to see her holding up a dress. It was beautiful. It was a red sweetheart neckline dress. It was on the tighter side and looked like it was only going to reach mid thigh.

They pulled the dress over me. I was weirded out at first with the idea of having them dress me, but it felt good to be pampered for once. I was always making food and cleaning for Toby. I was just glad he hadn't asked me to become a sexual slave. I was a virgin and even if I did like him, I wanted it to go to the man I love.

I looked in the mirror and was instantly in love with the dress. I was right about the length. It reached mid thigh and hugged my curves perfectly.

A thought suddenly popped into my mind.

"Excuse me miss?" I asked hesitantly

"Yes dear? And call me Margaret." She smiled softly.

"What is so special about the full moon ball?" I said smiling back

"I was wondering when you were gonna ask. The full moon ball is during the full moon, obviously." She rolled her eyes playfully. "It is the one day every year that someone can find their mate prematurely."


She smiled again. "You can find your mate before they are of age."

A rush of nervousness goes through my body. Oh my god. What if it's me? What if it's me. Shit.

I gulped and faked a smile "thank you Margaret."

She nodded and handed me my shoes.

I looked in the mirror one last time before turning away. There was a knock on my door.

The door opened revealing a guard.

"Are you ready?" He grumbled out.

"As ready as ever." I said before leaving my room and entering the chaos that was the full moon ball.

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