Chapter 2

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This was never how I imagined my life to turn out. My hand reached for the image beside me. "Mother, I wish you were here.. I need your guidance." I wiped away the tear that slid down the glass before packing it into my bag. My footsteps echoed through the hallways for the final time. I halted outside my childhood home, committing the image to memory. 

"Once you are united, I will join you in the village.. stay safe my daughter." I glared at his outstretched arms before turning toward my escort. Our trip was long and silent, allowing my imagination to run wild.. What if it was all a trap and whilst I'm away they are attacking my clan?! What if he is a complete arsehole?! I couldn't help but smile at the thought. The last scenario was almost guaranteed, he was an Uchiha after all. 

Giant green gates framed the entrance to the small village and in its centre stood a small greeting party. The rumours were true.. Two clans had learnt to co-exist. It was weird to see and yet it allowed me to hope for my people.. that we too could live in peace.. that my sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. "Good afternoon Lady Tsuki." I could barely stay focused enough to return the bow. The sight before me was bewildering to say the least. "You must be weary, please follow me to your room." 


I gazed at the ceiling, trying to find something new that my eyes hadn't spotted for the past 2 hours but it was useless.. about as useless as my attempts to sleep. I shifted my focus to the window and the village beyond it. The temptation was too much and I easily gave in. 

The cold night air burned my lungs but it felt good. The Uchiha compound was secured on the outskirts, a reminder of their untrusting nature. Even after agreeing to live together, they remained separated. 

A tall tree gave me a view of the sprawling village. The wind gently blew through the leaves, carrying no noise with it .. peace at last. "Beautiful isn't it?" I jumped at the unfamiliar voice, almost falling off my branch. I gazed down and a young man with hair as black as the night stood below me, admiring the same view. "What are you doing out here so late?" I continued to ignore him but it only seemed to amuse him more. "I'm Izuna" he patted the space beside him and I warily joined him on the ground. "You must be lady Tsuki?" I nodded and began to pull the grass out from underneath me. Even though I was being rude he maintained his calm, sweet voice.. a small glimmer of hope arose within me.. maybe he was my betrothed? I glanced at his features.. masculine yet kind.. A smile crept onto my face at the thought.. maybe this wasn't as bad as I had imagined. "I think it's time I headed back.." He smiled and offered to take me home.. I accepted not wanting our time together to end. Even though our journey was in silence I enjoyed it.. I was drawn to him.. his calm, kind personality and his handsome features. He ensured I was safe before continuing on his way. I snuggled under the covers before falling asleep, eager to see what tomorrow would bring.

"Lovely to see you have arrived safe my dear, what do you think of our village?" I glanced up at the Senju elder. "From what I have seen it is beautiful and tranquil.. A place anyone would dream to call home." He nodded, satisfied with my answer. "Enough of the formalities.." Everyone turned to the impatient Uchiha. "It has been decided that you will have a month in which to become familiar with each other before your wedding.. In this month you will share his chambers and act as husband and wife. Ah here he comes now" My heart began to beat rapidly as everything fell silent and footsteps echoed in the corridor before coming to a halt just outside the door. I felt like I was going to be sick as a raven-haired man entered the room. Relief overwhelmed me "Izuna." A red hue covered his cheeks as he glanced around the room, scratching the back of his head. "Izuna what are you doing here!" the Uchiha elder bellowed.. Man he was pushy.  "I'm afraid Madara is out on business but he will return shortly.. In the meantime I will show lady Tsuki around." My heart sank.. it wasn't him. The meeting was dismissed and I followed Izuna out into the streets. 

I trailed behind Izuna, struggling to contain my nerves. It wasn't right for a shinobi to show such emotion but here I was, letting the world know how I was feeling. "Cheer up.. my brother isn't that bad." "Your brother?" Surely siblings couldn't be that different.. Izuna's footsteps came to a halt. "This is Madara's house.. well your house now." I bowed slightly, thanking him for the escort before heading inside to explore. 

Servants bowed as I made my way through the twists and turns of the hallways. A familiar picture caught my eye, coaxing me into a bedroom. I picked up the frame, my thumb running along the image. My eyes focused on the drawers beneath it and curiosity took hold. Sure enough, more familiar items. The door to the room was thrown open and I spun around and locked eyes with my betrothed. He looked somewhat like Izuna but cold and emotionless replaced sweet and calm. His red and black eyes looked me up and down. "I hope you weren't going through my belongings." His words were laced with hatred and his gaze was piercing.. I looked down at the floorboards and began to fidget with my hands. He collected a sheet of paper from his desk before swiftly departing. Thing were already off to a great start. 

Trappedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें