Something New and Something Old

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Teratai's P.O.V.


"Hello miss, may I have t-t-this dance" a boy stutters holding his hand out.

"What is your name?" I ask in a voice most men would give their soul to.

"Um... it's... umm..." dear goddess the poor boy forgot his name,"D- Dam-uh.. Damien. Damien is my name." Uh-huh he remembers."May I ask your name miss?"

"Teratai, but you may call me Tera for short." I reply politely.

If you're wondering what happened in the last  five years, then you should know I grew up. My eyes are still the same blue they were when I first shifted, But my hair is much longer. At my waist to be exact.

"So, may I have this-" Damien starts.

"Tera what a lovely surprise!" Mason says interrupting the boy. You see the pack is currently at the annual 'Mates ball'. This means that all available shifters are here to meet some one who can possibly become their mate. Packs from all over the world come here, and by packs I mean non-mated wolves only. And sadly that includes me. Again.

"Mason what are you doing here, last I checked you already found your mate." I say in a voice that shows no hint of annoyance, to a person who hasn't heard me speak to him before. My 'crush' on him ended about 2 months after my 13th birthday. He tried forcing himself on me, but luckily with my advance strength, he was off me in less than a second.

"Oh I did, I just wanted to see if you would find your mate this time. It has been 5 years since you first started attending the mates' ball." He teases in a kind voice, but to me, it sounds like seagulls crying. I think it's safe to say we hate each other now.

"Well maybe I'll find him tonight." I say defensively. I know this is my 5th year attending the ball, and I know this is probably the longest anyone has attended, but he didn't have to making me feel like a worthless piece of-

"Yes, maybe the lucky fellow will show up tonight." Mason says interrupting my inner thoughts,"but then again, you just might have to attend the ball next year as well." With that being said Mason stalks off into the crowd of Mateless shifters.

"So... is that a no?" Damien speaks up. 'I completely forgot his existence'' I thought.

"Maybe later." I say not really in the mood to talk or move.

He nods. I watch him walk away. I let out a loud sigh.

"You seem to be very exhausted young lady." A  woman, who looks to be in her late 30s, says from next t me.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask.

"Kinda." she laughs.

I turn my attention to her completely. I held my breath. She was so beautiful. Her hair is in wavy dark natural curls cascading down to her waist. Her eyes are a pale brown, which is in perfect contrast with her pale skin. Her dress is an earthy green that flows down to her ankles. She has a slim waist most human women would die for, at her age.

"I like your necklace." She speaks after a moment of silence.

"Excuse me?" I ask dumb-founded

"Your necklace, it's nice." she repeats.

"Oh, yes, thank-you." I instinctively reach for my pendant.

"Silver" she says out of no-where.

For a slight moment I panic. No one knows about the silver in the necklace. I'm afraid that they my run test on my blood, because I'm immune to the silver.

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