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There was no way that this was real. I stared in horrific wonder at the thing in front of me. Maybe I should have read into fairy tales more. For this was no human. He continued to struggle and try to escape. I tried to take in the being in front of me.

I could only assume he was a man considering he had no woman parts. His hair was short and a light brownish blond almost the colour of sand. His skin was incredibly pale, almost translucent. He didnt have legs instead he had a giant fish tail, but it was unlike any fish I had ever seen. Light blue and green scales swirled in a shimmering formartion down to a darker blue fin. I noticed that the rope of the net had begun to cut into the delicate skin of his hands. How could he look so human? I noticed the gills he had on the side of his neck that were beginning to flutter rapidly.

His struggling slowed and then he hung limply in mid air on the side of my boat. I panicked and pulled him in and dumped a bucket of water on him. His eyes flew open and stared at me in horror before trying to squirm away.

" Hey wait no stop. I wont hurt you." I said softly. He didnt seem to understand and began to try to climb out of the boat only to get more tangled. " Wait hold still" I unclipped the net from the crane and began to try to untangle the net. He just stared at me in horror the whole time before his gills began fluttering again and he passed out.

I quickly dumped more water on him and filled the bucket to place beside him. He dunked his hands in it and ran the water along the gills before tugging desperatly at the net. He was seriously stuck, I gave up on untangling it and grabbed the poket knife I had.

When he saw it he began to thrash violently. " Hey, Hey! Calm down I'm just trying to help!" I tried to sound calm but this guy caused me to almost cut him. He froze and placed his hands in the water bucket again. I began to make quick work of the net. In the back of my mind I was sad to have to cut it because I couldn't afford to pay for a new one like this. When the last rope came off I went to help the guy back into the water but he was already pulling himself over the side of the boat and tumbling into the ocean.

All I saw was a flash of blue under the water and then he was gone. I looked back to the now shredded net and kicked the useless thing to the side. But then I noticed something glimmer in the light. I bent to pick it up, it was a light blue scale when turned at the right angle it shone green. I instantly felt bad for harming what ever that guy was.

Mermaid my head announced. Merman I corrected. I gazed over the side of the boat again before deciding to head back to shore. I docked my boat in the same spot, and jumped out. I turned the scale over and over in my hand. It had a good weight to it, it was heavy like a sand dollar and it was smoother then water on a calm day. It was almost too smooth to hold on too and I almost dropped it a few times.

When I got to my house I felt stupid but I placed the scale in a glass of water. I figured since that was where it was meant to be. I sat down on my bed just as the sun began to rise. It was going to be awhile before I could pay for gas, and after all the gas I wasted last night I would have to live off what was left in the tank.

I glance at the scale on the bedside table and decide to dig through my book collection to see if I could find anything on what I had saw.

All I could find was old stories of mystical sirens of the sea leading sailors to their watery graves. The merman had seemed more afriad of me then trying to kill me. I place the books back onto their crooked shelf.

I lay down and tried to get more sleep even though it was the middle of the day.

I sat on the edge of the dock. I can hear someone singing out in the water, a beautiful melody that doesn't have words. I feel myself being drawn to it being pulled in by its aura. I jump into the water and begin to swim. I swim far out from the dock out where giant rocks stick out from the water. I knew that i should never near these rocks because the ocean current will smash you against them. But I heard the singing again just on the other side. I swim as hard as I can and there he is sitting gazing at the stars up on the ledge of one of the rocks. I pause to gaze at his beauty he shimmers in the moon light. waves start to crash around me and push me away out into the ocean. I scream as the tide takes me under.

I wake up to darkness which causes me to panic and let out a loud agonizing scream. I dont stop until i notice that I am not surrounded by water and I am actually in my bed, in my house. I have always feared of drowning. No one would ever know what happened to me because no one would ever find me.

I tried to even out my breathing. I stared into the darkness. Why was I dreaming of that man? The dream had felt so real, the singing was so beautiful that I felt that I have heard it before. I shut my eyes tightly what was happening to me? Was I really dreaming about some half man half fish mutant monster? From what I read they obviously do not have a good reputation.

I let out a loud sigh. My brain is telling me to never try to find that thing again. My heart is telling me that once I find him, never let him go. Who and what was that thing beyond the wake?

A/n did you see that use of the title? Cheesy I know, anyways tell me what you think of this. Is it a good story? If so where do you think it should go? Also I know I make terrible grammer, spelling, and general mistakes in this. When I write I kind of just throw it all into words and just see where it goes. I usually try to proof read but if you notice anything let me know and I will fix it.

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