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You see a girl who's always smiling,
A girl who always manages to think positive,
A girl who never backs down from a fight,
What you don't is a girl who is crying on the inside,
What you don't see is a girl who has an everyday battle with a razor blade,
What you don't see is a girl who is terrified to speak up in a crowd,
You see a girl who stands tall,
A girl that makes any situation fixable,
A girl that many people enjoy being around,
What you don't see is the pain hidden inside,
What you don't see is a girl who is terrified to mess up,
What you don't see is the feeling of hatred she can't get out of her head,
You see a girl who can laugh even when she's broken
A girl that seems strong as stone on the outside,
A girl who so easily makes friends,
What you don't see are the tears she just wiped from her cheek,
What you don't see is the emotional and mental scars that have taken over her body,
What you don't see is a girl who fears the next day it's the day they could find out her past.

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