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I tap my fingers against my fabric claude knee as I wait for Alex to arrive. My eyes travel once more to the thin wrist watch that had belonged to my great-great-great grandma. Two till.

I chew my bottom lip nervously "Why the hell had I agreed to this?! Oh wait I didn't." I mentally scold myself and ponder why I had obeyed his direction.

My door opens and I look up to see his tall muscled body.

"Baby girl." Alex walks over and pulls me up and into his arm "I missed you." He let's me go and picks up all my boxes in his arms as if they were nothing.

I can't help but feel slightly giddy as he leads me outside. Alex places the boxes in the back and opens the passenger door for me "I have taken care of the landlord and everything else." He says as he slides into the car. " You won't have to worry about a single thing with me around baby girl."

I nod and smile softly as a wave of safety washes over me. Alex continues to drive and my eyes trail over him. The line of his jaw covered with light unshaved stubble,the slight dip in his chin,the small freckle beneath his ear.

"Do you like what you see princess?" Alex asks ne softly glancing away from the road and into my eyes. My cheeks heat up as I nod slowly "Yes sir."

He smiles and returns his eyes to the road. We pull up to a large black metal gate,Alex unrolls his window,enters the code,and the gate opens. We start driving down the long woven,tree lined,driveway.

I stare wide eyed out the window as a large, white, country style house comes into view.

Alex chuckles as he parks and stares at me. I blush and look down "You have a beautiful house sir."

He tilts my head up "Here its daddy and in private its daddy."

I nod slowly not understanding why I am still going along with this "Yes daddy." I whisper.

A shiver runs through my body as Alex's eyes darken with my words. He gets out and helps me out. "Alright baby girl you head inside,I need to go through your belongings and see the things you need."

"N-no! I can do it myself." I say quickly.

Alex grits his teeth and tilts his head to the side "Inside now Sofia."

I wimper lightly at his tone and comply. I walk solemnly into the house. Not bothering to look around,I slip off my shoes,and sit on a smooth white couch. I invest my attention into my phone,slowly scrolling through my pictures.

A few minutes later the door opens up revealing Alex,carrying only one box out of six.

I walk over and yank the box out of his hands "Where are the others?!"

Alex gives me a stern look "They held nothing of value. I saved all of your precious belongings in this one." He points to the box I hold. I drop to the ground and open it. It holds all of my memories.

"Where are my clothes?" I glare up at him.

He shakes his head "Temper,temper. You don't need them. I will buy you knew things." Alex answers.

"I bought those with the money I earned!" I stand up and begin marching towards the front door. I am held back as strong arms wrap around my waist.

"That is enough." Alex growls into my ear "You will respect me and my wishes and you will realize what I am giving you." I pulls away slightly,but keeps and arm tightly wrapped around my waist "Now how about we order in and then I will show you your room."

I nod and my knees shake lightly. Alex sets me on the couch and makes a phone call to a food place only a foot from me. He hangs up and grabs my hand gently "Okay princess let's go see your room." Alex leads me down the hall and opens a door. We walk inside and I gasp lightly.

The walls are a light pastel pink,a soft white carpet is beneath my feet,a chandelier hangs in the middle of the room. It's beautiful.

I smile and turn towards Alex "I love it,but its far to much. Really you don't have to be doing this." I shake my head.

Alex nods "Anything for my princess." He cups my cheek and kisses my forehead "Now I will give you time to adjust,but I expect you down when you hear the door." I nod and he walks out closing the door behind him.

I collapse on the bed and sink in slightly. I sigh in content and slowly fall asleep,the actions of the day all catching up to me.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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