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Do you ever have moments when you feel like suiciding, because nothing is going your way? Well I do; but they’re not just moments; they’re a lifetime supply of endless suicidal thoughts. Nothing ever goes my way. I have tried fitting in; wearing shorter skirts, getting hair extensions, starving myself; but you know what that has just made me? It has made me miserable. I feel miserable. Every day I feel miserable. I thought cutting would make everything better; leaving scar marks on my body. I thought it would make me prettier, tougher and skinnier. It in fact has not. It has made me feel the opposite. I feel worthless. I am worthless. I guess I just wanted to be included. I wanted to be loved. I wanted someone, anyone to tell me I was pretty; to tell me I was wanted. I needed to know that I deserved to live. 

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