love @ first sight

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Dear sunshine,
Would you like to know when the first time I laid my eyes on you?

I was in 6th period being bored out of my mind, doodling on my paper. The teacher was talking about the subject " types of conflict "; as if we didn't learn that in 8th grade.

Then there was a knock on the door,
" Anakaren, will you get the door for me? "
I didn't want to, but it wasn't like I could say no to the teacher, so I got up anyways. I opened the door, and their you stood with papers in your hand.

" Do you believe at love at first sight? Because I sure do now " I thought

" these papers are for Mr.Anderson." you told me, while handing me the papers and all I said was a plain old simple;

"okay thanks" you then smiled at me and walked away before I could even smile back, I then handed the papers to the teacher and sat back down
( with a big smile on my face )

For the rest of my day, I dreamed about your smile; to me you were beautiful. I was attracted to you, but the sad thing was I didn't even know you name.

And that is how I first saw you and felt love at first sight sunshine, oh you probably didn't even think about me once, but you were on my mind all day

- love your fangirl

fangirl? : Christian AkridgeWhere stories live. Discover now