Alice does some risky skinny dippy

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That evening Alice put on brightly coloured thick tights together with what could either be described as a very short dress or a slightly long top depending on your point of view.  She did her hair and makeup with great care as her mother looked on disapprovingly but not saying anything.  Maggie feared that the evening would end in tears but she had already given her warnings and they had been ignored so saying anything more was only going to make things worse.

“How do I look? Alice asked.

“Really nice,” said Maggie quite sincerely but secretly wishing that her daughter didn’t look quite so attractive.

They went out to dinner and enjoyed themselves very much talking about a whole range of subjects and feeling that they were really getting onto the same wavelength.  For while they both forgot about what might happen with Pieter later on.  The waiter, who was also the owner of the restaurant joked and flirted with them inviting them into the kitchen to look at the various local delights that were simmering away there.  At the end of the meal he offered them a kind of reverse tip by adding, on the house, a small desert and a glass of raki, which tasted as if it had been distilled on the premises.  Neither of them really liked the raki but they forced it down not wishing to seem impolite.

At just before 10 Alice got up and said that she had to go or she would be late for her meeting with Pieter.

“Have fun,” said Maggie.

“I’ll try,” said Alice.

“Don’t try too hard.”

“Bye Mum,” said Alice deliberately ignoring the remark.

Alice reached the bar and found that Pieter was already there.  He was wearing casual but high quality clothes: a T shirt, long shorts and a delicate chain around his neck. 

“Hi Alice, you’re looking very nice,” he said and stood up to kiss her on both cheeks before offering her a seat.  He smelt clean with just a hint of sandalwood.   Their table was just outside the door of the bar so that they could avoid the worst of the billows of smoke coming from within while enjoying the singer who accompanied himself on a range of different instruments singing very traditional sounding Greek songs; old standards such as “Wonderful Tonight” and a series of numbers that sounded like something in the middle.   The drink and conversation both flowed easily so that when the singer stopped at gone midnight Alice was feeling not only happy and relaxed but also a little drunk.

“Let go for a walk to clear our heads,” Pieter suggested.

“Why not?” said Alice throwing caution to the wind.

They walked down to the beach by the light of the Moon and before she knew it they were walking round into the bay where Alice had seen nude people and the one breasted woman the day before. 

“I’m going to go for a swim,” Pieter said and he pulled off his T shirt and dropped his shorts causing Alice to gasp when she saw that he didn’t have any underwear on.  He neatly put his clothes on a sun bed.  “Come, on,” he said “take your clothes off,” and he ran into the water.  Alice nervously undressed until she was just wearing her panties and went down to the water’s edge with her arms across her front.  As she entered the water the waves and the uneven seabed nearly made her lose her balance and she had to put out her arms to steady herself.  Pieter appeared next to her and took her by the hand out to where the waves were breaking.  Suddenly an extra large wave knocked them over and as they struggled back onto their feet he took her in his arms and pressed his body close to hers.  It felt amazing and she couldn’t resist as he kissed her and gently ran his hand over her breast.  The salt water on their lips tasted weird and she had to brush rat tails of hair out of her eyes.  Her panties were getting very wet and uncomfortable and the elastic was struggling to hold them up so she stepped out of them, screwed them up and threw them to the shore.  “Oh, no,” she cried as they failed to reach their target and landed in the water.  She was just about to go after them when another wave nearly caused her to lose her balance again and she grabbed hold of Pieter and giggled.  She looked again and her underwear had disappeared into the darkness.  Oh well, she thought they were only cheap ones.

Pieter led her out of the water and they sat down on a sun bed next to the one where they had left their clothes.  “I’ll just get something from my shorts,” he said going over to his clothes and taking out of his pocket what looked like a packet of condoms.  Alice was about to say that she had an implant in her arm left over from her disastrous encounter with Leo but thought better of it.  If he wants to use a condom then let him, she thought, after all she didn’t know where he had been.  His silhouette in the half light looked amazing and she brought her feet up onto the sun bed and lay down as he came and lay down beside her.

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