Halloween night

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The street was still wet from the constant rain occasioned by that time of the year. The end of October and a beginning November coming up. It was one of the favorite time of year to Jennifer. And the favorite holiday to Colin.

They were living on that house for two years. The house on Vancouver was in a private neighborhood and they had a few securities rounding the perimeter just in case. Colin and Jen chose everything on the house who was decorated by the Property Brothers. Once Upon a Time was one of the greatest gifts who they had chance to join and meet each other and the show was going to season 7.

The neighborhood was composed by normal people at all. No famous restricts because they wanted everything normal. A beautiful family of an soldier of USA army, the McCarthy's in front of them, Mr. Rock an older neighbor but very trustable amongst others..

It was Halloween day. The entire street still moist from the rain and the red/yellow/orange trees contrast with the day. As any holiday the neighbors reunite on the street and give their party. And this neighborhood was one of the most excited ever. When they party.. they party hard.

Five families was making the thematic food and 5 others was doing the decoration. Few days later Jen and Colin after being invited decorate their house with Halloween stuff. A lot of spiders and pumpkins with lantern and they buy candies for the kids.

As Jennifer told everyone on San Diego cc that year, Colin was a great artist. He loved carve pumpkins for Halloween and he was planning carve a lot to the street party. He went to a little market and buy something like five. Since 'colifer' was with the decoration families they planned to do a very good thing. Jen part was get their costume. She was planning on go like a feminine Dracula version and Colin as he asked was going like a Vampire Hunter with glasses and male stuff and all.

The McCarthy's and others families are preparing the food. They made pancakes with black dye and the syrup red 'blood'. The main plate if it's allowed to call that was a mix off carrot, potato, chicken and mayonnaise tippical in Brazil. And deviled eggs looking like real eyes plus a sausage roast looking like a finger.

The decoration families set everything up: Four big tables (looking like the tables of the houses in Hogwarts) and lamps with webs and obviously the temperature helped. The night was coming and the street perfectly beautiful give the real Halloween mood.

It was right after lunch time and Colin start to carve the pumpkins. He made a classic one with a terrific smile and eyes put a lantern on it and started to do the second.

_"Hey babe. I got to go. Need to get our costumes and when I came we can go to the street help everyone." Jen said

_"Hold on hotie! Hurry up I need you to be my muse to this pumpkin and I got to kiss you more before the party okay?" Colin said getting up to give Jen a kiss.

Jen got home almost 18:00 and the party begun 19:00. Colin was already done with the pumpkins and give them to Mr. Rock their neighbor who was helping with the decorations. The kids start to go house to house looking for candy and they give their best to at the end each one of them be busy the rest of the night eating candies (almost 2 pounds each kid).

'Very cool for their teeth' Jen thought when Colin approach her hugging from behind.

_"You think we should get dressed my little Dracula?" Colin said

_"Yeah probably. You will love your costume". Jen said letting him go with her to their closet to change clothes.

_"You know.. today Ashley will see. I'm not leaving you alone to let her jump on you." Jen said

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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