Chapter 5

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Never Let You Go

Chapter 5:

Julie's POV:

I awoke with a sudden jolt as my bed was shaking. My eyes open as my mind screamed "earthquake!" But as my vision adjusted, I realised what the reason for the movement was.

"Morning, sunshine!" Leigh screamed in my face. I rubbed my eyes.

"It's too early for yelling.." I complained, nodding off to sleep again.

My face turned as a hard slap made contact with my face; waking me up once more.

"Oh, no, no, no! Darling you have work! Now up and out, there's a whole day ahead of you!"

I pouted, making the cutest puppy dog face I could, moving my bottom lip out and widening my eyes. I probably looked more like a mentally insane person than a puppy, but it was worth a shot.

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny but that's not working on me. Now get up before I have to physically make you!"

I crossed my arms. "You wouldn't."

"Oh I would." Leigh pulled out a glass of ice water from behind her back, and before I could react, poured it all over me. I shivered underneath my covers, glaring up at Leigh.

"I hope you're awake now." And with that, Leigh danced out the room.

I groaned, knowing what was coming at me for work today -- or at least who.

I slowly dragged myself out of bed, collapsing on the floor and laying there for a second to collect myself; and finally made it to the bathroom.

I first showered, warm water- mind you- and when I got out, wrapped my towel around my figure and headed back into my bedroom to search for clothes for the music video. I decided that they would probably have clothes for me there, so I just wore a pair of jean shorts and a low cut shirt. After changing, I walked back into the bathroom for my make up.

I curiously looked at myself in the mirror, wondering why out of all people I was chosen. I couldn't find anything special about me, I couldn't leave the house without eyeliner or some form of make up on. Light freckles dotted my cheeks in a random fashion and my blue eyes almost looked gray.

My hair wasn't a specific colour, in some lighting it looked almost orange, but mostly it was a dark blonde.

I sighed at my reflection and started to cover my face with make up and finished getting ready.

"Julieeeeeeeeeeeee! I made pancakes! Get down here!"

If you didn't know Leigh was just my friend, you would probably think her as my mom. She basically took care of me ever since I got here- even though I didn't really need it. I laughed at that. Okay, maybe I do need her.

I quickly ran down the stairs, my feet tapping the hard wood. I smiled as the scent of pancakes drifted over.

"Mmm smells good!" I complimented Leigh on her chef work.

"Thank you, now hurry hurry hurry! You don't want to miss the beginning of the video!"

I had told Leigh about the new job, and at first she was a bit sullen- Justin had still never called her back. Which wasn't very surprising to me.


I waited patiently at the bus stop- I still didnt have a car and Leigh couldn't drive me because we had work at the same time.

I looked down the road in anticipation. A blue bus was coming down, much to my happiness. The doors pushed outward as I stepped through and put my money through the machine. I looked around for any open spot as eyes from all around the transport watched me. I spotted a seat near an old looking woman, who looked sweet enough so I sat by her.

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