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(I just realized I messed up on the attached picture. I misspelled hungry, and I put "yukiko" not "Tsukiko" on the bio >////<)

I can not believe my own mother would send me to Tokyo for college, instead of Okinawa; where I could stay close to my family. I was fine with grade school in London, and the family vacation in Bali I wasn't invited to; and was at my home, alone. But this, like all the things that associate with my life, is complete and utter hell! It was like my family hired an interrogator to come to my apartment and torture me with the fact they want nothing to do with me! I've tried way to many times to heal this empty hole in my heart, but they keep beating it to the point of no return...

I gladly accepted the intuition to Kamii University, to study the fine arts. Maybe after I graduate I can meet a nice man, get married, have a few kids, and work as a manga book writer/artist. But that would be a good life, it would mean having some one who cares. I have no one but myself, and even I detest myself! I put a wall of fake enthusiasm around myself, so, you might think I'm happy, but I'm not gonna be okay...

I sigh as I pack my stuff into the last box, and pile it into the moving truck. I walk down stairs and into the living room to say goodbye at least, but, my family was just laying about, on their media devices, ignoring my presence and goodbyes. My sisters, my bother, my mom, and my dad... will all burn in hell!

I hope into the cab after egging "my" house. I was do pissed right now! The won't even say goodbye to their own flesh and blood? Well screw them. They don't deserve a kind soul in their lives! I had so many negative thoughts going through my mind right now, it was overwhelming. I wanted to cry, but I remember I'm in a taxi, and I don't want to look like a loon.

I pop my headphones into my ears to drown out the world and my pains. I shuffle my music, and it was as if my phone knew what I was feeling, because it played my theme song

"Welcome to my life" by Simple Plan.

I closed my eyes and mentally sang along with the painful, yet truthful lyrics of the song. I drifted off after a while, and was woken by the cab abruptly coming to a halt. I gasp and look around frantically for the cause of the abrupt stop, and see a man with what looked like red eyes standing in the way of the cab. I was confused, and the cab driver was pissed! He hoped out and glared at the man, and shouted some profanitys I'd rather not say at the moment... my heart was beating fast still, and the next sight I saw was no help in the slowing of my heart.


Blood was all over the cab windshield, and in the concrete streets. My heart beat a thousand times faster then before, then my fight or flight responses kicked in, and before I had time to process what I was doing, I jumped out of the cab. With one last look at the man commiting cannibalism on the dead cabbie, and my bag in hand, I took off like a frickin bullet!

I ran and ran until I found this little coffee shop titled, Anteiku, I quickly head towards it. I don't know if they would be open at this hour, but I had to try at least! I need to be off the streets. I have to find my apartment, and quick!

To my dismay, the door was locked, and on closer inspection shows the lights to be off.

No. No, no, nononononono, NO!

I look down the street to find a open building, or anything! But I found nothing! I felt tears fall down my cheeks as I herd laughter behind me as I enter an alleyway in hope of an escape route. I felt something wet on my neck and flipped out. I swung my bag at the maniac after I herd the sicko say "soooo tasty~♪".

He tutted as he sidestepped my attack. He graves my face in his hand and purred in my ear, "Was that really a good idea, little one?" I wanted to scream, but I won't let him break me! "Come now, don't be shy, i have a feeling we're going to have a scream of a time together~♪" he taunts. "Now scream!!" He shouts as he smashes his fist through my abdomin. I scream as loud as I can in agony. I've never pain as excruciating as this, not even when my sisters killed my puppy. then broke my arm.

The man pulled is arm back and licked his fingers and moaned in delight. "You taste soooo good~!" He exclaimed loudly. I was crying and trying to hold in my internal organs as best I can. The man had a lustrous look on his face as he stepped closer to me, "I don't normally do things like this, but I've been hiding from my big-bad-boss for quite a while now, and I'm very, very hungry." He explained in a dangerously low voice. I wanted to just bitch slap his cocky grin right off! So I did.

Big mistake...

He growled while jerking my head roughly to the side, and pulling the fabric covering my shoulder down. "Itadakimasu~♪" he whispered before biting my shoulder. Hard.

I was about to pass out when I herd creeking above the man. All I saw before I passed out was that man get stabbed through the head and heart by the fire escape leader attached to the side of the apartment complex next to us.

"Cool... I found my apartment building." I sarcasticly say as the darkness consumes me...


How was the prologue? I was felling lazy at the first 200 words, and I accidentally slipped in a couple of lyrics to songs in there. Oops! Anyway,
And you just keep being you, unless your a binge eater ghoul like, Rize♪

(I'm sorry about any errors •~•)

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