Chapter 1- Sneaky Chair

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(She is firs cause she and a friend were SUPER Enthusiastic)

Amber let out a groan. She was not that much of a morning person.

It took Amber's groggy mind a while to figure out she was face first on a bed, defnetly not hers. Confused, she lifted herself up with her arms, only to flop back on her belly.

She hadn't needed to look around much more to realize this was NOT her room.

Still confused as hell, she rolled over, only to fall onto the floor below her.

"Ow..." she groaned, staying in the same position for probably 10 more minutes before finding enough strength to get up.

The room wasn't too spacious but spacious enough to fit a dresser, a bathroom which was concealed behind a door, and a chair.

"Random chair." Amber muttered to the wooden chair in the far corner. In her opinion it seemed pointless.

She walked over to the second door and opened it. There was an empty hallway, other than the many, many doors.

Amber suddenly realized that she was in her pajamas and looked into the dresser drawers to find many pairs of clothes.

After quickly changing Into her casual tank top and shorts she looked around for her boots.

She quickly found them not-so concealed beneath the chair.

"Sneaky Chair." She said jokingly before noticing a piece of paper.
I'm missing tons of things this morning.

She grabbed it and read it, of course she found it was written in rather sloppy handwriting.
Welcome, BlueDiamond101. You have been invited to a mystery map. You are required to imeadietly head to the Mess Hall were you will meet everyone else. Your Ultimate Talent is Advice Horse. Everyone else has a Ultimate Talent as well.

In Amber's opinion it sounded like someone with a scattered brain wrote the note she now held in her hand.

With a shrug she stuffed the note in her pocket and ran from the room, darting directly down the hall.

After a long time of running down a hall, Amber found herself standing outside two large double doors with the words 'Mess Hall'

"I bet this is the mess hall." Amber muttered to herself despite knowing how obvious she sounded and she opened the doors and walked in.

The room was filled with a large amount of people which Amber didn't care to count. However she recognized nearly half of them.

"Hey! That's probably the last one!" Amber turned to see a girl with a bright blue T shirt and ripped jeans. Her hair was a dirty blonde and her eyes were the same color as her shirt. She was a dragon hybrid as hinted by the scales up to her elbow and the wings and tail.

Amber shrugged and walked over to the girl.

The girl stuck out her clawed hand in Amber's direction. "Name's Krissy, Ultimate Dragon Hybrid. Who are you?"

Amber hesitantly shook Krissy's hand, slightly fearing that the long blue claws would cut her hand. However the hybrid didn't seem to notice this.

"BlueDaimond101 or Amber, Ultimate Advice Horse. Who are all these people?" Amber immeadietly asked after introducing herself.

Krissy shrugged when a loud bang caught everyone's attention and they spun around to look at the doors.

A girl with shoulder length hair that looked more brown than dirty blonde, faded red tips, and vibrant blonde highlights. Two cat ears protruded from the sides of her head and a long tail flowed out behind her. She wore an unzipped blue jacket with a fluffy white inside. The sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. Underneath the jacket was a visible red shortsleeve with a brown shape on the stomach area. She also wore a pair of jean capris and a reddish purple par of converse. Her eyes Were a forest like green.

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