Chapter 49 Our Little Talk

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I put my head in my hands and started to think

Do I really need him?

If I didn't, why am I upset?

Does he even feel bad?

Was- Is this all just a misunderstanding?????

I ignored all of those questions and sat back in my seat looking around.

Sarah,Sarah,Sarah, What are you gonna do?

"Nothing, Absolutely nothing" I said to myself

Maybe this is good,maybe I don't need him and he doesn't need me. This was all just a mistake... Everything.

"What ya thinking about?" Someone trotted over and sat in the seat in front of me

"Nothing" I said

"You sure?" Brie asked

"No I'm thinking about 9/11" I sarcastically said

"Well excuse me" she said chuckling and walking away, my mind was to overwhelmed to stop her,and my legs felt numb from rocking them side by side with stress.

I stood up and wandered around, thinking about what went wrong

Nothing, absolutely nothing went wrong

I thought back to that night, maybe it was my fault. For what?

I need to talk to someone

I ended up finding Joe, but he obviously was busy so I just hung around in his room until he was done.

Hours later he was still busy.. What the fuck? I sat on the couch and found myself dozing off..minutes later, I was asleep.


I woke up to a hand on my arm, instantly thinking it was Jon, I jumped back, but seeing it was Joe, I calmed down a bit.

"Need me baby girl?" He asked resting his feet on the tiny coffee table

"Huh?" I asked sitting up and stretching

"Your here for a reason..I'm guessing" he said

"Well, in that case. You can say that..." I trailed off yawning "Remember last night?"

"Yep..why ask?" He said

"Why do you think he did what he did?" I asked

"Well,considering what you told me last night" he paused trying to find the right words "Well,from what he told me-"

"You talked to him?" I asked

"Yeah,I asked if he wanted to go to the gym" he said

"What did he say?" I asked

"That he didn't feel like it" he said

"Noooo" I chuckled "Did he say anything about..this?"

"What's this?" He asked

"The problem" I said

"Oh" he laughed "after I figured out he had an attitude, I asked him why and he said you"

"Me?" Was all I could manage to get out of my mouth "I didn't do anything, I just confronted him that's all"

"I asked why he did what he did-"

"What'd he sayyy??" I asked

"I was just about to tell you" he said "he did it because you don't give him enough"

I stayed silent giving him a confused look,what does he mean by that

"Wait..Sex?" I asked

"Well...yeah" he said

I put my head in my hands and fell back on the couch..All I wanted to do was scream,that's it,then all my problems would be gone, but, sadly..its not that easy.

"Is there a reason or..." He asked with his nosey ass

"Actually there is a reason" I said removing my hands but staying in the same spot I was

"Well.." He said

"I'm uh..uhh" I paused, Joe is a great friend, but telling him this is personal, should I? "I'm scared"

"Of what? If you guys already-"

"Yeah I know, its just..I..I should've listened to you"

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Jon tends to get uhh abusive when it comes to that- BUT! but.. Only when he's drunk" I said

"How are you gonna fix this?" He asked

"I don't know, he really hates me..I bet" I said sitting up

"How do you know that baby girl ?" He asked

"Something happened this morning" I said "That's all you need to know you nosey bastard" I started to chuckle on the last comment as he did the same


Hai guys, how was it? Let me know by commenting please, I like hearing your thoughts or..yeah that's what I meant! How's your day been? BYEEE <3

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