The Conversion of Worlds

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I stood up and felt the sun shine on me as it started to rise. I started to turn around in the air and I started to fly with my wings. I started to fly around and I looked down at the ground where Simon still stood there. I floated down and grabbed his hands.

" Your turn." I said letting go of Simon

He started to turn around in the air and his wings started to show. We started to head back to the castle at what seemed like the speed of light. The clouds where a pink and the sun glowed making the sky as blue as ever. I stopped flying and started to fall. As I got close to the ground I quickly flew back up twirling around. I had so much fun flying through the sky. I saw the castle and started to float down to the surface. I touched the stones on the ground and blood was running down towards my feet. I looked up and saw Mary and Rebecca dead. I fell to the ground in tears. My friends my great friends dead gone. I looked at Julia and ran up to her.

"What happened to them?" I said crying harder now

" They where killed by thousands of swarming shadows. We tried to get in ,but before we could they where already dead." said Julia in tears

I looked at my hands covered in blood. Andrew did this I can't believe it. I looked at the blood on my hands from Mary and Rebecca's wounds. I looked up from my hands finally making my hands into fists. My hands started to glow purple and my eyes started to glow purple. I was ready to hurt someone maybe kill someone. I started to feel Simon's hand on my shoulder.

" What's done is done Ann you can't fix that." said Simon sitting next to me

I looked at the ground and my hands stopped glowing and my eyes stopped glowing. I sat there my eyes closed and crying. The tree's started to sway and Mary and Rebecca's bodies started to float softly in the air. I stood up and we all stood in a circle around it. We held our hands and looked at Mary and Rebecca for the last time. Each of us a different color and Simon and I the same. We started to cry as Mary and Rebecca turned to ashes and where gone. We found to gems one blue and one pink. We picked them up and suddenly we where in a never ending wheat field. I stood there and looked at the cloudy sky. The wind blew hard and the wheat around us was blown towards us. I looked down at my clothes. My torn dress turned into a white and black skirt. Everyone else was wearing white tops and black pants to. We stood there as a blue light exploded in the air making a shield like sheet in the air made of octagons. Suddenly the face of the shadow appeared on the screen. This time not Andrew ,but as a creepy clown. Suddenly Julia fell to the ground huffing and puffing.

"No no no!" said Julia looking scared

" What's wrong?" I said

" My worst fear." said Julia

" Hahaha I'm your worst fear and all your fears!" said the shadow laughing

" Where are we?" I said

" Your in Mary's challenge. The challenge is to get to her gem on the other side of the tall wheat field." said the shadow disappearing from the sky

" How are we going to do that?" said Simon

" Look horses." said Matthew pointing towards so horses way out in the field

" There to far." I said trying to get my wings to come back

My wings weren't working you must not be able to use any other power in this world.

" We have no other choice." said Julia getting up and running forward

I Started to follow her and we all started to run for the horses. The wheat felt like it was growing higher as we went. Finally the horses where in the clear. WE all jumped on and the horses seemed to obey. We started to run through the wheat fields. Suddenly the wind kept getting faster and faster till a tornado was created. The horses couldn't move. We tried moving them but they didn't move. Suddenly are horses where getting dragged into the spin tornado. I was hit by a hard wind and fell of my horse. I held onto my horses reigns . I started to lift off the ground and saw Matthew and Julia sucked in by the tornado. I suddenly saw Josh and James pulled up by the tornado. I saw Simon hanging onto his horses reigns. He gave a quick glance at me and yelled.

" Don't let go!"

I looked down at my horse that was being sucked in by the tornado. I gave a quick glance at Simon as he let go and he shot back into the tornado. I looked at the tornado just behind me and my horse was sucked in. I looked up at once and said.

" noooooooooo!"

I started to fly in circles inside the tornado and I did not see anything. I closed my eyes and pushed on the walls of the tornado. A purple surge of light burst into the wall ,but not breaking it. I yelled out to my friends.

" If you are still alive push on the walls of the tornado!"

Suddenly the walls of the tornado started to turn green and red. I saw yellow and orange then finally saw purple. The colors started to circle around us as we all started to float towards the middle. We all grabbed each others hands. Our colors started to burst through the tornado as we spun around faster and faster. Then suddenly a world full of pink cherry trees grew around us. This must be the second challenge. I looked up to the sky and a pink sheet made of octagons flashed into the air. The shadow there again as a black figure.

" The second test. The Cherry trees may seem friendly but the can kill you with a signal touch. Be careful and you will get Rebecca's gem back." said the Shadow as he disappeared

I looked at the cherry trees then back at all my friends and my brother.

" Guys what did we just do together up in that tornado we can do this." I said putting my hand out

Julia walked up and grabbed my hand. Josh then grabbed my hand as well. Suddenly everyone started to hold each others hands which made a line. We stood there in front of the field of cherry trees. We all started to glow with are colors. Suddenly a burst of mix colored light came from are hands and the cherry trees where knocked down and brunt to ashes. We started to walk up a pedestal with the two gems. Before I touched the gems the shadow came back.

" How no you couldn't have passed!" said the Shadow

The ground started to shake and the worlds started to crash together. I saw the sky filled with wheat and where we stood full of cherry trees. We had to get out of here. I quickly grabbed the gems and ran for the pink bushes way in the back of the cherry tree field. I jumped through the bushes and I was in the wheat field. I ran through the wheat my brother and my friends following me. The wheat started to grow above us. We had to go faster. The horses where dead and there was only one way. I stood there and started to combine are hands together. Suddenly we all started to chant on thing.

" I wish that everything we ever wished for as friends and with family would come true!"

The world started to sin around us and we woke up on the bridge. I looked around at everyone's faces.

" We made it." said Julia relieved

" We made it together as friends ,as family, and as one." I said stretching out my arms and getting everyone into a group hug

The moon started to shine through the clouds. Everyone went to go to sleep as Simon and I stayed at the bridge. I looked at him and gave him a nudge.

" Hey you did great today." I said smiling

" You to Ann." said Simon walking up and kissing me

We held hands as we walked back to the front door where we separated to are rooms. I walked down the halls smiling. I ran into my room and jumped onto my bed laying there in my torn wedding gown again. I looked at the celling and I thought about what happened to day. Then I felt like something was wrong. I put my hand in a pocket that was made in the wedding dress. I felt the gems there and I put them down on my dresser. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and a whisper saying.

" Your still not done they will all die soon."

I turned around no one was there and I knew that was the shadow ready for his next victim.

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