Alone... Again

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(Thank you for giving this story a chance! Means a lot to me! Comment, PLEASE.)

(Pete's P.O.V.)

I felt my body relax after another shitty day at school. The weekend. It was close. Today may be Thursday but in my mind, it is Friday Eve.

I felt the shakiness of my bed as I leaped onto the squeaky mattress, tossing and turning. Will I take a nap? Of course I will, is that even a fucking question? I thought as I finally found a comfortable enough position.

I lay there, on my bed, not able to fall asleep. I reach over to my right and open the first pocket on my backpack. I grab my phone, but as I try to turn it on, the screen won't light up. It's dead, ughhhh. I'm going to die.

I latched my foot on the edge of the bed and reached as far as I could to get my charger, which was pon my nightstand, but ever since my mom invaded my room to vacuum, it has been away from me by like a foot. As I was just a few inches away, I roll forward and hit my shoulder on my nightstand.

"I'm going to kill my mom." I muttered to myself as I then rubbed my achy shoulder. I sat there on the floor, ready to kick the ground, when I heard a sound that I barely ever hear. The doorbell.

I struggled as I slid my skinny jeans back on and a sweatshirt. I kept rubbing my shoulder as I stumbled downstairs. As I approached the door, I saw that my mom left her house key on the hook. It must be her then.

I opened the door with no hesitation as the cool air from outside brushed my face. I played with my hoodie sleeves as I just waited for my mom to say that she forgot her house key, but got no response.

I looked up to see a boy. He stood there on the doorstep, and he looked kinda uncomfortable. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, similar to the pair I was wearing, and a leather jacket that he was wrapping himself with because of the cool air outside. And a fedora.

"Uh, Hi." He says as runs his black boots against the lose dirt on the welcome mat. I smiled at his shyness.

"Um, hey. May I just ask why you are here, on my doorstep?" I asked as I began to rub my shoulder.

He nodded, "My family recently moved in across the street a few doors down and my mom is making me introduce myself since she has work." He responded. When he said that, he had a look of disgust once mentioning his mother. "My name is Patrick."

"Oh, OK." I replied. This is awkward. "My mom is at work too, so. My name is Pete by the way." I quietly said. " You can come in if you want to, fedora man." I them added, without thinking.

He blushed. "I have the house over here too," he said pointing to his right. " and I have homework to do, but maybe I will come back tomorrow." He responded as he adjusted his hat. He is so cute. But Pete, you like girls. Boobs. Boobs. YOU LIKE BOOBS.

"Bye, have a nice day." I heard as I looked up to see Patrick walking down the driveway and on the sidewalk.

"Oh, bye." I then replied as I shut the door. What the hell just happened? I asked myself as I stumbled up the stairs again.

Once I reached my room, I sat on the edge of the bed and thought about what just happened. He is cute. But Pete, you like boobs. Yeah, but he, he is cute.

I fell back on my bed as I stared at the ceiling. I felt so confused at what happened in such little time. I felt tired and didn't want to fight myslef anymore, so I closed my eyes and wrapped myself in my comforter.

"You're gonna see him tomorrow." I whispered to myself as I smiled at the thought of his beautiful blueishgreen eyes staring back at me in the sunlight.

"Pete, you're so gay." I then said to myself before slowly drifting off to sleep in my warm bed.

(Hi little muffins!
Thank you all for reading!
I know that I said that I would update it yesterday, but me and my friend ended up hanging out unexpected since we realized it was fucking Friday the 13th.
Anyway, thanks for being awesome and leave some comments <3)

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