Daytime/Evening 2

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'Front door open.' I walk inside and into the kitchen. I poured a glass of orange juice. I heard a noise but ignored it. A ball bounced down the stairs. I went to look.

"Wyatt. Wyatt are you home?" I called. "Wyatt? Robbie?"

I shrugged it off and went to my room. I jumped on my bed and started to text. There were footsteps and creaking soundsoutside my room.

"Mum?" I called. i went back to texting and then heard another noise.

"Hello!?" I called out. I got up and slowly walked over to my door and then heard a loud thud. Ipgrabbed my laptop and peeked out the door. There was a line of toys (lined up like train cars) that lead down he hall, into Wyatt’s room and then to his closed closet door. I opened Wyatt's closet door. There was a sleeping bag in the closet. I jumped when a toy train turns on behind me.

"Wyatt!" I yelled.There wer more sounds and I went to the steps. The chandelier over the dining table was swinging. I slowly came down the stairs rcording the chandelier. I stopped at the bottom of the steps. All of a sudden a chandelier crashed down infront of me. Robbie appeared from the top of the stairs.

"He dosen't like you watching us." he whispered.

 "What's going on! Were you there the whole time!?" I yelled.

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