First day of the nightmare

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It was the last day of school. I was hoping to have the best day ever. But for some reason I had this gut wrenching feeling. I blew it away though I didn't care about it. My friend and I were talking about what to do over the summer. I thought to myself and said why not go to my families summer home. Everyone agreed. Suddenly a loud crash and explosion was heard. Before I can see what happened I started to feel sleepy. My friend John said if I was ok. Before I could say anything I fainted in his arms.

The next thing I knew I was laying my head on my friends shoulder. He saw me awake smile. His smile quickly turned into a look of worry. I said what? He shh me. I looked around we were the only two in this cell like thing. I was scared, confused, and worried. John saw my expression and hugged me. I started to blush but it quickly faded into a sad face. I asked him what was going on. He told me that we were taken captive by this secret corporation. He says they experiment with children. They created a chemical mix that can make them really strong. I was worried for all of my friends. John knew what I was thinking. He had hugged me again but this time I didn't stop him. I hugged him back. John was my crush and my friend. Suddenly there was a loud ring and I covered my ears. Our cell door opened. I was filled with hope until I saw this mutant looking person with rope come in. John put his arms protectively over me. It was no use he smacked John across the face making him slide all the way to the other side. I screamed a blood curdling scream. He tied my hands up and told me to get up. I resisted when he saw this he went towards John and kicked him in the stomach. I cried and willingly got up. John opened his eyes to see me go.

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