Chapter 9.

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She watched from the corner of the room as the ladies flocked around the males in their dressing room..
Snapping pictures and exchanging numbers. .
The room was like a busy bodied area with horny flies..
Well they can have all the pictures and numbers. .
She was going for the kill..
And she already had her eyes on one..
The Greek god look - alike ...
Smiling his killer smile making the girls swoon with a lil touch...

She liked her men beautiful and bold..
And strong...
And rich..
And a bad boy..
It was time she got a man with good financial status and background..
Beautiful handsome roots and a sex god.
And he fitted the description.
All the embodiment rolled into one..

And he was breathtaking georgeous especially with those cloths off..
She licked her lips.
Drew down her bodies revealing more cleavage and went to his stand..
Bending over a lil tad much...

"Hello handsome"...

He looked her over appraisingly
"Helo you"..

"Am sherry..."...she said without straightening up...reaching out to flip the collar of his shirt..

"Hi sherry...? He asked questioningly.

"Has anyone ever told you got the most beautiful eyes?

"Well...."..He smiled.
Gets up...pushing through the crowed of women flocking around him and the other guys..skillfulling moving their hands from clawing away his skin for some sort of trophy. .

The girl named sherry followed him hard on his heels.
He loved the attention. .no doubt..
But he also..
Had something..
No someone else in his mind..
He needed to return that earring and he didn't want to miss her..

He sieves through his bag..making sure it was still there...
He brings it out and puts it in his front jacket pocket. ..

"Hey dude"...

He stopped to shake a few of his buddies. .
And a promise to meet up during the week for an artist album lunch...

He busied a call from his PA...
He wasnt interested in another gig at the moment..

He needed to go away from this noise with someone less that sherry girl following him around and trying to get her titties in his face..

Funny thing..they actually looked nice.
She looked ...
But at the moment. ...
The girl in the glasses and loose hair in a bun blinded him...
And he hated to be deterred from a mission..
And right now..
He needed a new fish..

So he ignored the girl..
Pushed his way through the crowd of people..putting on his cap..
Stopped to meet and greet a few people..
Hugged and kissed some chicks..
Shook a few celebs and high class people..
Afterall he was a rich spoilt bad boy..
He needed to live up to expectations and atleast act the part..

He looked around the room and was glad she was still there..

He walked on...
But the girl got ahead of him and stood infront of him...

"Hey handsome...what's the hurry.."
She leaned in..
"Let's go somewhere quiet and less crowded...."

She flirted.
On any other day..
He probably would have taken her on her offer..
Infact he had like a 100 offers right there in the changing room...
Maybe he would get back to them..
After he satisfied his curiousity with the glasses..

He smiled down at her..
She was trying too hard.
And she was too easy.
He hated easy girls..
Easy girls were a bite tonight and out the door...
He looked her over..
She really wasn't bad looking..
But ...

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