Niall imagine for Priscilla :)

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Sorry if it really took so long! xx


Priscilla's POV

I opened my eyes. I looked at my clock and its about ten in the morning. I slightly groaned and walked out of bed.

Its saturday.. That means, no work! I smiled happily. I looked at the mirror and rubbed my face and brushed my hair. I changed into my casual wear and looked at myself for the last time and left the room.

"Woo-Hoo!" I screamed as i walk down. I was caught up when there is a tall frame stood up. I immediately grabbed the bat beside me and brought it against my shoulder. I walked towards him and i was about to swing it to him when he faced me. Wait... I know this person. Its.. Its..

"NIALL!" i squealed. I was about to hug him, when he stepped back a little bit. I looked at the bat im holding and removed it from my grip. I hugged him.

"What are you doing with a bat?" He asks, pointing at the bat i was holding earlier. My cheeks let out a little dash of red.

"Because.. i thought you're a bad person or something." i stated and looks down. he laughs.

"So, you think im a bad person?!" He complains looking at me head to toe. I shook my head.

"No, I really thought you were. Where did you got my key?" i ask. He rubbed his neck a lil bit.

"Uhm, when i got to your home last time, i grabbed the spare key." He clearly said. I nodded.

"I want to spend time with you. Are you free?" He asks, changing the topic.

"Yep. Its my day-off today! Where are we going?" I replied.

His face glowed. "Is that your casual wear? If so, lets go!" He squeals.

"Yeah.. and" I was cut off when he rushed me out of the door. Thank God i wore my bra and flops when i went down.


"Seriously, where are we going?" i asked, looking at his eyes.

"I want to take you out right? i'm gonna take you." "Out." He raised his voice at the "out." i just nodded my head. honestly, i dont know what has gotten to his mind.

As he pulls over, i looked around the pavement and i think this is the first time i saw this.

"Where are we?" i ask looking around.

"This is my hiding place. Whenever i feel sad or want to clear my thoughts, i always go here." He states and held my hand.

"Oh. so why are here again?" I asked again. He turned his face to me and looked at my eyes.

"Because, i want to spend my time here with the love of my life." He lets out a deep breath.

I blushed. "Lets walk!" I offered and started to walk. I held his hand tightly, not wanting to let go.

"You're so cute when you blush." He states and pinches both of my cheeks. I stuck my tongue on him. He moved my face closer to him and gave a quick kiss on my lips.

"I Love You." He said. and smiled.

"I Love You Too." i answered and smiled back.

As we walked more and talked about our lives, i got a little bit tired.

"Tired already?" He asks and places his arm across my shoulders.

I nodded. Before i say a word, he sits down.

"What are you doing?" i ask, feeling embarrassed.

"Hop in." He points at his back. I hesitated and hopped at his back.

He groans. "You're so light." He compliments. and hugs my legs.

I smacked his shoulders lightly, "You're kidding me." i said.

"No im not." He says back. I didnt reply back and leans into his neck and smell his scent.

After a few moments of walking piggy-backed on Niall, we got back into the car.

"How is it?" he asks while starting the engine.

"Its awesome." i reply and scrunches my nose at his side. That makes him to kiss my nose.

"Lets watch movies at your home, then i'll take you out for dinner." He says and smiles at me.

"Oh. Okay, What are we watching?" i ask curiously.

He wiggle his eyebrows that makes me giggle a bit.

"We'll just look at it later." He replies.


When we got home, he flops to my couch and looked at my dvd's.

While he's looking, i popped popcorn.

I grabbed a bag on the cabinet and set it for 3 minutes.

"I already picked one!" Niall announces from the living room.

"About to get ready!" i reply back.

After three minutes, i placed it on a bowl and got two cans of coke from the refrigirator. And proceeded to the living room.

I sat next to niall and gave him the other can of coke. "What are we watching?" i ask while opening my can of coke. He clicked play.

"Bruce Almighty." He gushed and smiled.

"My fave movie!" i clapped my hands.

"Yeah right." He grins.

After the movie, he stoods up. "Get ready, im gonna take you oit right?" He raised his eyebrow.

I looked at him curiously and realised it after. "Uhm yeah, im gunna go upstairs."

He nods and let me ran upstairs.

I brought out a casual dress. in case he brings me to nandos, im not embarrassed. I put a little make-up and curled my hair a bit. I brushed my teeth again to remove some corn that are stuck on my teeth.

"Lets go?" i ask. He turned around. "You look stunning." he says and kisses my nose.

"why thank you." I smiled.

As he pulls over, i gotta say, its a fine resturant.

He opened the door. "After you my lady." He says and flashes a goofy smile. I chuckled.

I walked inside and waited for him.  

We sat at a table there and ordered.

"Thank you for this, Niall." i say and smiled.

"Thats nothing. I want to spend my time with you because we cant spend time together always." He smiles.

Yeah, its because i work 5 days a week straight and he's promoting their new album and touring at some places. we really dont have time for each other these past few weeks. So we really cherish this kind of moments.

After we ate, niall left some tip and left the resto. He brought me home.

"Thank you for this day Niall." I said and placed my hands on his neck.

"You're welcome." He replies and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight Nialler." I quickly kissed his lips.

"Goodnight Priscilla." He replies and kisses my cheek.

And i went to my door. I waved at him as he goes back to his car.

This is the best day ever.


Author's Note: Hope you liked it! Please Vote and comment your feedback. Thanks!

Follow my twitter: @1DNiam (i follow back, just ask) :)

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