not again!

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Carson's POV

Not this again. This is all my fault! I tried to push her away and I didn't even know her! I should have never lefted Katie. She is just so happier with me. I know that. She smiles and gives me kisses and she even lets me lay with her. I think that this is my fault.
It keeped repeating in my head. Brayden was in the room crying and holding her hand. Why...why Katie but not me... Carli and Sarah runs in and pushes Brayden aside. Oh no. Here comes Brayden...
Brayden-hey Carson...can we talk.
Carson-sure? are family.
Carson-ya! I thought you were going to tell at me.
Carson- because it's all my fault...
Brayden-no it's not...
Carson- ya it is!
He starts to tear up...
Brayden- no it's not...go see her.

I got up and walked over to Katie. I think Sarah and Carli saw me because they moved out of the way. She looks so peaceful... I took her hand in mine and kissed her. Then I walked out. After I got out of the room I heard the girls scream. So I ran back in and....

Carson- BABE!!!!BABE YOUR AWAKE!!!!!
Katie-*shivering* I'm so so so cold...
I layed next to her and she was cold. I putted my arms around her.
Katie-why? Why did you kiss her? Or is my memory messed up?
Carson-no. No...we kissed....but she kissed me. please.
Carson- I do love you. Really! I don't want to hurt you again...
Katie- I'm still upset with you.
Carson- ok....I understand...I should go huh?
Katie-NO! I'm not upset with you!
Katie- I'm upset with myself...
Carson-why baby?
Katie-he. Because...i-i-i know that you say that you love me and Brayden does too...but...
Brayden-I HEARD MY NAME!!!
Carson-hold on Brayden. Katie is saying something about us.
Katie starts to tear up.
Katie-that you two will leave me alone and.....die...
Brayden comes next to her holded her hand.
Brayden- Katie....don't worry about that. You don't need to worry about anything. We need to worry about you. You dont worry about us. Ok?
Carson- ya. Me and your "bubby" might not get along but we will get alone with you by our sides.
Katie-thanks...thank you god for bringing these two guys in my life!
Me and Brayden laughed. We all walked home. Carli and Sarah lefted and I got down on one knee.
Carson- Katie hold on.
I got out two rings.
Carson-Katie.... Will you date me all over again?
Katie screamed and yelled yes. I was so happy after that. She kissed me and we kissed for awhile then Brayden promised me that he would bring her home safe and sound. When she got home she texted me.
Katie=K Carson=C

K-hey cutie.
C-hey beautiful. Whats up?
K-ugh! Every one is so dumb!!
K- the sky is what's up!!!
C- i had that coming huh?
K-yas!!!!well it's late
C-ok. Night sweet dreams!
K-your sweet! Night babe. Love you
C-haha! Love you too baby girl!!!

I'm in the shadows but he doesn't see that. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now