Chapter 2

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Great. So. Fucking. Great. This is why I hate Wednesdays.

I woke up to the sound of a man's voice.

"Is she ok?"

"She's fine dear. We've had this problem with her before. Sweet that you're worried though. Are you her boyfriend?"

Hell no! A boyfriend? Me? This nurse was insane.

" I just found her in the hallway."

Wow. This guy was taking this well. Not every guy could find a passed out girl in the hallway and remain that indifferent. Well he was nice enough to stick around at least, which was more than anyone else had ever done for me. Wonder who he was. I guess it was about time to get up.

I cracked open my eyes and groaned. Guess who the guy was? Come on, guess. That's right. Dylan. THE Dylan.

"Hi honey! This was our first one in awhile for you, are you ok? Do you need more time?"

No I wasn't ok. My stomach hurt and my mouth tasted awful. But even so, I wouldn't spend anymore time in this gross bed. Who knows how many disgusting, sweaty bodies have laid in there before? Just the thought of it makes me want to barf again. I glared at her to communicate my feelings.

"Ok then. It's about 3:45 now. The buses have left, and I take it you don't board. Do you have someone to pick you up?"

My eyes widened. This was really bad. What could I do? I didn't have enough money to stay the night in an empty dorm and God knows he wasn't going to pick me up. I shook head as an answer.

And then comes Dylan. "I could drop her off. I'm actually looking at buying a house on the out skirts of the town."

My fucking hero. Dammit. Why me? If any of Dylan's fan girls heard about this they would rip me to shreds. I already had one crazy bitch after me, and I really didn't want any more.

Well then it's set!" said the nurse in a horribly cheerful voice. She was starting to piss me off. I didn't want this! Three hours in a car with a guy as popular as Dylan? Might as well send me to hell right then and there! Plus, take a look at his clothes! He could make the scariest punk look like a joke! It's not like I was scared, but really? If I wasn't broke I'd sue them.

"So," he turned, looking at me, " I'm Dylan. What's your name?"

No answer from me buddy. Try someone else.

"That's Rosalina Nightingale. Don't even try starting a conversation with her, from what I heard she hasn't spoken in years."


"Who knows?"

I cleared my throat. Silent or not, I was still in the room. Honestly. What jerks.

"Oh, sorry hon. Anyway you two should probably get going before the weather gets any worse. Don't want an accident now do we?"

The weather? I looked out the window. She was right. It was pouring rain. I sighed and stood up. Dylan stood up as well, but I motioned for him to sit back down. I was just going to get my stuff. And like the bad boy his dress suggested, he ignored me. Yay.

I lugged my giant backpack out of my locker. I had so many books it was amazing backpack hadn't exploded yet! They weren't textbooks, we hardly ever got homework in this joke of a school, but novels. I loved them and the school had a really impressive library. Two actually. Library's had become my substitute home in recent years, much more...friendly than my own.

I glared at my backpack. That thing was going to be hell carrying down the stairs. I was just about to pick it up when the fucking hero (I rather liked that name for him) swooped in and grabbed it of the floor with ease. My glare moved from the backpack to him. I wasn't some damsel in distress, I was perfectly able to handle myself. We stood like that for awhile.

"You know if you do that much longer your face will get stuck like that."

". . ."

"Oh just come on Rose, I want to go."

Rose? Rose! What was he thinking calling me Rose! I hated that nickname! My glare intensified, but he shrugged it of like it was nothing and started walking down the stairs. DAMN THAT JERK was my only thought as I raced down the stairs to catch up with him.

Outside it was literally pouring rain. The clouds were gray and dull, the wind sharp and biting. Perfect Wednesday weather. In truth, I actually loved stormy days, but this was too miserable even for me. Luckily, the fucking hero had parked near by so we weren't too wet when we made it into the car.

"So...what's your address?"

Crap, hadn't thought of that. I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled my address there. Hopefully he had a GPS because I sure wasn't giving him directions. He frowned as he looked at it.

"You live in...that neighborhood?"

Yes I did. All we could afford with my dads income and my odd jobs. It wasn't the best, but I was a decent fighter so I figured I would be fine if the situation ever became unsafe. As for Father, I couldn't care less.

"Why don't you ever talk? It's getting annoying."

You were the one who volunteered to take me home idiot. You're just going to have to deal. And did he think I was going to answer? I don't talk remember? How the hell would I answer?

"Most girls would love to be alone with me."

Stuck up asshole. I wasn't like most girls. When was this moron going to start the car? I was cold and I wanted the heat on. I hate being wet, although I don't mind getting wet. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.

"Fine. Be that way." he muttered and started the car.

I sighed in happiness as the warm air washed over me. This was nice. We sometimes had to go without heat in our house when we were especially low on money. Those days were miserable. But even when we did have heat, the heaters themselves were practically crap. They barely heated anything outside a four-foot radius.

"So you do have emotions." he stated with a teasing smile.

My face settled back to its normal scowl. Who did this little princeling thing he was? Teasing me? I would take none of that crap.

"You know, I kind of like you."

Well whoopee for him and his crappy judgment. After today we would probably never even look at each other again. That though made me a little sad actually. He was the first person to say or do anything nice for me in a long time. I guess some part of me wanted him to pay attention and maybe even care for me. What a stupid thought. He was the prince and I was the peasant. Plus, who could ever care for a disgusting monster like me.


So I was thinking of trying Dylan's POV for part of the car ride. Yes? No? Tell me what you think! Tell you what...everyone who comments gets a cookie. So make sure to comment please! I will take criticism (just please be nice), requests, recommendations, anything. A COOKIE IS ON THE LINE HERE! See ya kittens next time!

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