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I wake up next to my favorite guy. He's still sleeping and he's going to be very sore seeing he was a virgin and I basically destroyed him. I trace his gorgeous face lightly with my fingers and smile. He's just perfect. His weight. His hair. His face. His laugh. His eyes. His smile. His personality-everything is just perfect. I love him. Wow, I love him.

I wake up to see Luke smiling at me.
"Morning sunshine." He softly says and I smile. I go to turn but a sharp pain shoots through my lower back. I groan.
"Hey, you said faster and I gave you what you wanted." I roll my eyes and cuddle closer to him. We cuddle in silence for awhile.
"I don't care if this is way too soon but I love you." He suddenly says.
"I love you too and so its too soon? We fucked and weren't dating." He playfully rolls his gorgeous icy blue eyes. It's true. I love him. I kiss his shoulder and slowly fall back asleep. He made these past few months the best few months of my life.

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