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I took another cigarette and lit it. Man, did it feel good to smoke. It relieved all my pain. I don't give a fuck if I get lung cancer, because you know what? Life is too busy to worry about that shit.

I just got kicked out of the third school this month today. I was glad. I liked to be alone. But the stupid owners of the orphanage think I should go. Thank goodness I'll be outta here in two years. Then I won't need stupid education. I sat in one of the plastic chairs on the front porch and crossed one of my legs over the other, when a nun all of a sudden walked out.

She gasped and dropped her laundry basket.

"Can I help you?"

The nun walked over and picked up the package of cigarettes. She was young, in her twenties, and always work her dark brown hair down.

"You're way too young for this. 16-year-olds should not be smoking like this! Or any person! I will report this to Mother Ursine next time I catch you with one of these!" She yanked the cigar out of my hand with all of her strength, but to no avail could she grab it. I rolled my eyes and did a huff with my breath.

"Look over there, kid," she whispered, adjusting the laundry basket she had been handling. My roommate hung his little head into the door.

"Silvew?" He squeaked, with his eyes wide open. "What are thows?" He pointed to the cigar, which I handed to the nun.

"Something you'll see when you're older, Reddie," I said, patting his head and walking inside. He tugged on my shirt sleeve, being extremely adorable and attached to me as he always is. I walked up the wooden staircase to our room, which he jumped on his bed and laughed once we got in there.

"Calm down, kid," I said softly, adjusting the items on my nightstand. Red was the only person I was actually myself around. The little kid just made me comfortable and kind of... Happy. What am I saying? Happiness is a load of bullshit. He's just like a friend. A six-year old friend.

"Silv, are you owkay?" He asked, pausing in his jumping spree. I shrugged and smirked at him, telling him everything was fine. He giggled and said, "You're funny," then yawned and started his afternoon nap. I wish I could nap. Then I wouldn't be so exhausted all the time.

I kneeled down next to his sleeping form and tucked him in. Poor child. He never even got to meet his parents. His father was killed in a war, and his mother died whilst birthing him. They sacrificed so much, yet my father was just a jerk and tortuous man. My mother, well I have no idea what happened to her.

But this is my home now. The orphanage. And even though it's a shitty place, I still have little Red. And I wouldn't trade this kid for the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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