Chill day

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India pov
I wonder if the person who is trying to kill me or scare me has feelings I wonder if he or she knows me but enough of this I'm having a chill day an who ever wants to join me they can but I know August may not make it because you know his new single "Song cry" just came out last week Ik he will be busy with interviews an other stuff but Imma ask crystal to see if she wanna hang I haven't seen her since my last shoot so I go an grab my phone off the charge an go to the contacts an call her
Crystal~"oh....nothing umm not to be rude but watcha need"
Me~"well damn I was asking you if you wanted to have a chill day with me"
Crystal~"um no sorry me and Issa going to this party with aug"
Me~"oh well than have fun"
Crystal~"I pro-(GCO by me hanging up)
I went took a shower got in some go comfy clothes I took my phone off the dresser an called August
Me~"hey aug"
Me~"nun um I was calling because I wanted to know why I wasn't invited to this party"
August~"I thought you wouldn't want to come since what happened yesterday"
Me~"Nawl I would of wanted to go but I guess I'm just gone chill by myself today"
August~"if you want I can come home eat-(GCO by me saying)
Me~"it's ight have fun"
August~"don't be up-(GCO by me hanging up)
I'm done with folks men I'm bout to chill by myself watch movies an eat junk food I got Netflix working an every thang let me go hook it up I got in the Theater room hook it up put in white chicks an pop my popcorn and begin my chill

Meanwhile with August..........

August pov
Man y'all I didn't mean to hurt ha feelings for not inviting her to tha party I mean I thought she'll be scared to go out since you know what happened...but then again I did want ha ta loosin up from the situation but I wasn't thinking straight I was high but right now we at the party its bumping I'm in Vip sitting an smoking then I see this fine hunny dancing swaying ha hips an shii an you know me I'm aug an I'm gone do what Aug do best get some hoes I walk up to ha grab her hips an start dancin wit her she was thick an cute like damn where can you find thick an cute but anyway the song was over she finally looked back an smile but low key ha teeth was not on point but this bitch ain't bouts to be kissing me anyway ion like that kissing shi well let's say it like this I don't kiss just any body so let get back to spilling the tea with me an dis broad 🙄🍵 so I say to ha
Me~"ya wanna get outta here"
Broad~"yea sure let me get my stuff an we can role out(walks away to get her stuff then comes back) we going to my house or urs"
And that's the moment when I fucked up
Me~"let's go ta ma place"
So we get in my car I'm speeding cuz da girl was touching me an shit then I fucking  forgot to tell Issa I was gone but it was like 4 in da morning so he probably left before me an indie probably sleep so I'll be ok then when I pulled up I parked saw India car in the driveway so
I just parked behind it me an this broad got out I locked the doors went up to the door I opened it an I started feeling on her booty cuz ma had a fatty she started giggling but I told a her what she wanted to do she say watch a movie so I pull he into the movie room to see Netflix playing them the girl just pull me into a kiss I pulled back quickly like niggah i went down to the stands to see blankets an shit on the floor hm India must have been in here today so I go down the stairs to the seats up front an see India looking at the tv an the girl had tripped that's why got India attention she said
India~"oh..hi August I didn't hear you come in hi person I don't know"(says waving at ol' girl)
Me~"watcha still doing up"
India~"I was just bout to leave bye y'all"(leaves)
Damn she couldn't answer my question ol'girl was like
Ol'girl~"um we gone do this or what"
Me~"yea lets go in my room"
We walk in my room And you know what went downnnnnnn.........
Next moring.............
India pov
I got up go in the shower put on some skinny jeans an a tank top that said just do it with Nike sign on it I put in some converse an put my hair in a high pony tail N walked downstairs an cooked some pancakes an eggs and bacon I made my plate an August plate I didn't know if ol' girl was still here so yea I grabbed August plate an knocked on the door it took a minuet for him to come open the door an say
August~"what man"
Me~"well damn good morning to you too....ig that's what I get for being nice but I made you breakfast"(says while handing him the plate)
August~"oh..shit man sorry I just had a rough night"
India~"it's ok but um can I see your car keys"
Me~"I gotta go to a interview an your is blocking me in"
August~"oh here"(goes to his dresser and gets keys an hands it to her)
Me~"bye"(while turning around about to go)
Me~"yea"(turning back around looking at him)
August~"com hea"
Me~(steps closer)"yea"
August~(grabs her face an kisses her lips)
Me~(kisses  back)
I couldn't believe this was happening my Crush my bestfriend August freaking alsina is kissing me but while we was kissing he bent down a lil an grabbed my legs so the they were around his waist he pressed us against the wall while still holding my legs up I tried to pull back but he wouldn't let me he just kept kissing me an almost choking me with his tongue then he pulled back an said
August~"can I ask you some"
Me~"yea anything"
August~"can we be fuck buddies"
Me~"um....August Id-(GCO by August)
August~"pls"(while kissing my neck making me moan)
Me~"fine but I gotta go let me down"(says while wiggling)
August~"no gimme those lips"
Me~"no August I gotta go"
August~"gimme lip"
Me~"fine"(kisses him)
August~(kisses back)
Me~(pulls back)"bye auggie"
August~(let's her down)"bye lil aug"
I go an get his car out the drive way made my way to my new car An drove to the interview when I got there it was show time they pulled me on stage once I got in the door 😂 I just sat down next to Wendy an she said
Wendy~"everyone you can see we got miss India in the building"
India~(laughs)"hey y'all"
Wendy~"well look at you India last time we saw you,you was like 4'11 how tall are you now"
India~"well as you can see I haven't grew that much but I'm 5'1"
Wendy~"getting up there but let's get to business who's your celebrity crush"
Wendy~"ain't no um tell us child"
India~"we lol my celebrity crush I my bestfriend August Alsina"
Wendy~"oh snap you think if he watching now he go-(GCO by Indias phone) now who is that child"
India~"now Wendy why you have to speak him up 😂"(answers phone)
August~"some I'm ya celebrity crush"
India~"yes August now I'll see ya lata"(hangs up)
Wendy~"well I see he is watching 😂😂"
Wendy~"so people in the audience do you have any questions do India before she leaves"
¿!¿~"I do"
Wendy~"what's ya name son"
India~"well Andre what's your question"
Andre~"can I get your number before you leave"
India~"um no..sorry"
Andre~"can I get a kiss on the cheek"
Wendy~"sure you can come up here"
He comes up India kisses his cheek he puts his hand in his cheek saying
Andre~"never washing this cheek again"(walks off)
Crowd~(hahha &oooos)
Wendy~"well that's it for the Wendy show I'll see you next time"(waves an goes off stage with India)
India~"well it was nice seeing you again Wendy(hug her)
Wendy~"nice seeing you to I'll see you later"(pulls back form hug)
So once I got in my car I went home an see August on the couch watching tv he likes up an says
August~"hmmm"(looks me up an down)
India~"what"(says while taking off shoes)
August~"com hea"
Me~(walks over there an sits on his lap)
August~"I'm bout to beat that puni up"
Me~"nah nah you not bout to break my cervix too nuh uh"
August~(laughs)"come on now"(while rubbing her booty)
Me~"ight I'm giving you my v-card I'm trusting you with it"
August~"ok"(while picking her up an taking her to her room laying her down an got on top of her)
Me~"you know what you doing right aug"
August~"of course I'm aug"(takes her pants off and underwear)
Me~(takes off his shirt )
August~(takes off his pants an goes down her India an eats her out)
A/n~an you know what happened there in about to go in to Issa an crystals part y'all remember when they had sex ight lets go see what happening........
Crystal pov
I'm in the bathroom throwing up like a dog idk why but u am I need to go to the doctor I throw up again I get in the shower I get out put my hair in  a pony tail an put a head band on but on some joggers an a tank top with biggie on it I walk out my room walk to the kitchen see Marie an Issa at the table eating
Marie~"hi Tete you ok I heard you throwing up"
Me~"it's ok I'm OK mamas what you eating "
Marie~"bacon an oatmeal yours in the micro-how do you say that word again"
Marie~"yea that"
Issa~"well hello to you too"
Me~"hey Issa"(says while eating the food)
Issa~"you ok we heard in there throwing up"
Me~(finishes food washes dish)"I'm fine I'm going to the doctors today"
Marie~"ooo can me an daddy come"
Me~"if your daddy wants too"
Issa~"I'll go come on baby girl"(puts dishes in the sink an yells upstairs) babe I'm bout to leave!"
Girl~"alright bye love you!"
Issa~"u too"
I low key was jealous when they said they love each other but anyway we made it the clinic they called my name I really didn't want Issa an Marie to come in there with me but Issa insisted when we got in the room the doctor was already in there they told me to lay on the thingy an the doctor asked me what the problem
Me~"I wanna know why I've been throwing up every five minutes"
Doctor~"ok go pee in this cup"
I'm glad I had to pee anyway I cane back gave her the cup an she went an did her magic came back 5minutes later an said
Doctor~"Congrats your having a baby"
Me~(tears fall)
Marie~(confused)"Tete why you cry"
Me~"I'm okay baby thank you doctor"
Doctor~"come back in a month for your ultrasound"
Me~"ok the first of that month?"
Me~"ok bye doc"(leaves with Issa an Marie)
We get in the car on our way to the park so Marie can play when we got there Marie went to the slides an I went to the swing an Issa followed I sat down an Issa did to an said
Issa~"so that's my baby huh"
Me~"yes...I'm sorry that I gave in Ik you have Rie to worry about I'm sorry.(talks fast)
Issa~"slow down ma now speak"
Me~"I said I'm sorry Ik you have Rie to worry about I'm sorry that I had to pin this baby on you"
Issa~"crystal don't talk like that in gone be there for you if you got my seed in ya stomach of course I'm gone be there"
Me~"thx Issa"
Issa~"yw now let's go find my child"
We go an find tie we play for a while an then go home an watch movies until we fall asleep
Mean while with August an India..........
India~(breathes heavily)"that"
August~"got no words huh"
India~"man you don't know"(sits up about to go to the bathroom)
August~"you leaving me now why you so mean"(pouts)
India~"boy I smell like you I need to take a shower"
August~"what I don't stink cause I smell like you"
India~"shut up"(walks in her bathroom cleans up wraps towel around her an walks out the bathroom an sees August gone he probably went to take a shower)
I get my pajamas out it was like 4 in da morning an my legs hurt like shit but I put on my well August big shirt with no bra an some pajama shorts an some undies I get the sheets off the bed go downstairs but them in the wash then walks back upstairs an put some new sheets an cover on an then cut the light off an make my way to my bed an get under the covers an feel the bed sink in an feel August pull me to him an tell me to give him lip I gave him lip an then said good night auggie he said night lil Aug an we an then we was out like a light
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I love my bestfriend August Alsina / Issa love story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now