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"When is the baby due?" Jammy asked excitedly. Allie had announced that she was pregnant after they had eaten dinner, causing a great commotion. Allie was having a boy, she wasn't sure when she was due but she was more excited than ever.

Ashe pulled Skye away, into a spare room, far from the group to hug him, something he'd been waiting to do. He wasn't sure about doing it in front of everyone but because they were all busy he had a chance. He held it for as long as he could, feeling the warmth coming off of his boyfriend's body, enjoying everything he could.

"I've been waiting for this all night," Ashe said, locking lips with Skye before he could say anything else. Skye's ears drooped as he returned the kiss.

"Are you sure they won't catch us?" Skye said nervously as he pulled away.

"If it makes you feel better, yes," Ashe replied, taking his partners hands in his own and squeezing then gently.

"What are you two doing?" Jamey said, sneaking up behind them. Skye jumped straight into the air while Ashe clapped his hands over his mouth. "I'm not judging, just asking," she said innocently.

Ashe narrowed his eyes at her, playfully pushing her away. "I'm trying to spend time with my good friend if you don't mind," Ashe said with a grin. Skye was blushing hard behind him, what are the odds?

Jamey smiled and pushed Ashe into Skye who stumbled backwards and landed on the spare bed, Ashe ending up on top of him. Jamey could see how red their faces were as they stuttered apologies to each other.

"Th-That was uncalled for, Jamey," Ashe managed. Skye just buried his face into his tail, hiding from the embarrassment.

"Oh come on Ashe, you've never been on top before?" Jamey retorted, struggling to keep a straight face.

Ashe and Skye glanced at each other, the blood rushing to their faces once again. It was at that moment that Jamey lost it, falling to the floor, laughing hysterically.

"Whatever, I'm going back to help with the dishes," Ashe grumbled, leaving with a red face and flattened ears, the other two following with occasional giggles coming from Jamey.

After the babies were put down to sleep, Jason already half asleep and Naomi seeming to want to be held by on one in particular, ending up with everyone holding Naomi. Ashe finally got a good look at Naomi and realized just how adorable she was. Skye made the same "squee" noise as before and passed the baby back to Allie.

"Well I should really be heading home now," Ashe said as the night grew darker. He looked cautiously at John -who seemed distant all throughout the evening- and Allie. "I'm gonna take Skye home so goodbye everyone. How long are you staying Allie?" Ashe announced, trying his best to act nonchalant.

"Oh we have to leave soon, Zslash has some business to attend to," Allie responded, motioning to her husband.

"I can't give ya too many details, but we can't stay much longer," he said with a slight southern drawl Ashe had taken notice of when he arrived.

Ashe and Skye finished their goodbyes, Ashe hugging Allie just in case he didn't see her before she left. As the two foxes were walking out the door, they ran into Jamey.

"Behave, you two," she said with a wink, causing Skye to blush in the dark, "John didn't say anything tonight but he knows about you two. If I were you I'd rather keep it under wraps, just to be safe. And there's one other thing...." She rushed them out the door and closed it quietly behind her.

She looked at them and began on a serious note, "Please don't tell mom, but I think I'm going to talk to Allie about the freedom fighters. I want to get out of the house and do something. I'm going to talk to mom about it tomorrow."

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