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'your beauty could start a war as you walk in that door' - wolves

It was monday now and Zayn hadn't said a word to Harry since they got home on friday night. Harry didn't understand why it bothered him so much, it wasn't like they were even friends, but it did.

And Harry hated himself for it.

The green eyed lad emerged into the cafeteria looking very fit in his school blazer, that hugged him perfectly and his contacts that he had put off wearing made him feel utterly self-conscious when people started to check him out. It was weird to be at school without his glasses, let alone be checked out. His eyes felt naked. Exposed. He scanned the room, trying to spot Niall's blonde head of hair. His hands were clammy and his heart began to race when he caught sight of him laughing heartedly at something Ed had said.

Ed? What's he doing at this school?

Harry took small paced steps towards the dreaded seniors table. With every step he took, a piece of his confidence left his body.

Ed was the first to spot him. His blue eyes brightening at the sight.

"Hey harry" Ed says shuffling over. "Would you like to join us?" Some of the other seniors looked a little confused and annoyed. Harry contemplated running out and crying.

"N-no, i'm just returning Niall's clothes-i mean" The junior was nervous and to someone else they'd think he was overreacting, but this was how Harry had always been. Harry starts to calm down and instead of talking, he just sits next to where Ed had made a space for him and proceeds to open his bag, taking out the clothes that Aubrey made Harry 'borrow'

"Sorry Niall, Aubrey made me wear your clothes. Don't worry i washed them" Harry assures him quietly, handing over the neatly folded clothes and Niall smiles, taking them.

"Yeah it's fine" Is all Niall says, smirking and turns to Zayn. Harry hadn't noticed the quiet boy sitting in the corner, until Niall had actually looked his way. Harry blushed when he saw him, inwardly face palming. Harry didn't want to feel this way, he hated it.

But Zayn paid little to no attention, his glance towards Harry was quick and the junior felt his heart drop. He was frustrated. Frustrated at Zayn and at his feelings and he didn't know why. Harry stood up, feeling out of place and was about to leave when a hand caught his. His already racing heart started beating miles a minute when he looked back to see Ed's soft hands connected with his.

"Please don't leave" The ginger whispers. "i have a small feelings these people aren't very fond of me" Harry smiles and timidly sits back down.

Zayn pretends to ignore Harry.

He was angry at him. For what reason?

Well, he didn't really have one. He just was. Since Friday, Zayn had come to two conclusions.

1. he definitely did not like ed

2. he definitely did like Harry whether it was brotherly or not (assuming it's brotherly) he liked him

Who knew that curly haired fry would be able to slip his way into the 'mysterious bad boy's' mind? Well, Zayn definitely didn't.

Whilst Niall tried to make conversation, Zayn was more fixated on listening to Ed's attempts at hitting on Harry. He stole quick glances making sure to not be obvious about it.

No matter how irrationally angry Zayn was, he had to admit that Harry did look hot in the school uniform. Zayn started to ponder wondering how he never took notice of Harry until now. He felt like he'd been missing out.

He caught a sense of de ja vu, remembering the same feeling washing over him when he slept over at Niall's the other night. He'd steal glances at the unknowing junior and would get a wave of disappointment every time he saw that the boy was paying him no attention.

Zany wanted so badly to just walk over and steal Harry away, telling off Ed in the process but he could not. He couldn't even muster up enough courage to converse with the younger one. This was unlike him, so much so that he began to question his own personality. He began to question what feeling this was and why he possessed it.

Zayn Malik is a complete idiot.

It is not that he is trying to deny his feelings, he just simply cannot comprehend them. Zayn Malik was truly and utterly oblivious. He didn't understand these unfamiliar tingles and pains. Zayn's never loved a soul, despite his siblings. He wasn't taught to love...so it's not possible for him to understand just how much he was falling for Harry after only a week.


Once school had ended, Zayn decided to take the long way home. Then again...he never took the short way. He breathed in the familiar scenery, towering green trees that he didn't care to know the name of, vibrant array of flowers that always brightened Zayn's mood just a little (although he would never admit that) and overall probably the best end to any day.

The colors were a positive change to Zayn's monochrome point of view of life. Everything to him was just black and white, simple and boring excluding two things.

These walks home and well, Harry.

'Harry' Zayn breathes. He straightens himself out and chuckles a bit, every thought seems to lead back to that boy. That boy with a quiet personality but the loud eyes.

By the time Zayn was out of his daze,  his oblivious yet lovestruck mind had already carried himself home. His uniform clad feet were stood on the trampled doormat of the entrance of his beaten home

'Back to my monochrome life I go' he says to no one in particular proceeding to head inside, turning a cold shoulder on the women who was labelled his mother by many but certainly not him. She was seated on the couch near the door, scraping at her pale arm, Zayn pretended not to notice as she pulled down her sleeve. He pretended not to care.

Her bagged eyes and hollow cheeked face watched painfully as her son didn't so much as acknowledge her existence as he paced towards the hallway, slamming closed his door when he finally reached his room.



If you didn't already guess, his mum has a uh problem :[ so

Thanks for the reads :3 I love you all

Sober Thoughts (Zarry AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant