what now?

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gray p.o.v

i really wish gracie hadnt run off like that, if she stayed we could have all been happy, but when she ran she looked so hurt i couldnt help but chase after her. i cant believe i do this for love, is there a thing such as fate? because i think there is, it was fate the day we met 10 years ago, that was the day i fell in love with her. i supose u could say it was love at first sight, anyways she is so sweet but i dont know if she likes me back, she never showed me anything. "gray! hello can you hear me? u were stairing at the stars for so long i thought i might have died." oh damn i forgot she was next to me, i look at her and pretend im not surprized " dont you think the stars are beautiful?" then i notice that she isnt looking at me anymore and when i tap her shoulder ans she looks at me i see her blushing. " gray, um....your clothes, they are gone" she turn back around. DAMN IT! uru this is your fault, but where the hell are my clothes i cant find them anywhere, how do they just disapear? haha i found u buggers " sorry i didnt know i did that" i  feel bad because she saw me, or maybe thats embaressment, either way she can look at me anymore. " goodnight, gray" and then she is gone. while im left to wonder why the hell uru would have me train without clothes on! she is so delicate and soft i dont know what to do with gracie, she cant kill an ant and she is hurt and has nightmares about the murderer every night. "noo! mom .... dad.... why, why did u do it?" there she goes, i better go comfort her she can never get a good night rest, "gracie, he cracie wake up its just a dream" she wakes up with tears streaming down her cheeks, muttering to herself. i wish i could help her, but all i can do i wake her up, but shes asleep again so i should go to bed too. "goodnight gracie" i say as i leave for my bed. AH! the morning is beautiful! "gracie wake up its time to go" she is so angry when she wakes up, so i hide before she comes out of her tent, ah here she comes. i swear winter just moved in cuz as soon as she walked out it started snowing and she is trying to look for me to kill me. " gray! im going to kill u! stop waking me up so damn early!" hehe, what 6:00 am isnt that early. we do need to get moving though i found a guild that sounded awsome, but i dont think they will take us, we are not fully trained after all, guess its time for me to step out before she freezes the woods. " gracie, gracie, calm down i have good news, we are going to join a guild" wow, she really wants to kill me this time, i can tell by that crazy look in her eyes. " we can go after i thaw out" and just like that i was stuck in an ice cube and she went back to bed, such a bad temper. but she is super cute when she is mad. "about time you wake up!" hehe im halfway thawed out and its noon, she slept for another 6 hours! but she seems happier now so its ok, i give her a look that says please thaw me out, since my hands are still frozen i cant do anything. "gray you are hopeless, hurry and dry up, we have to go if we are  going to make it to the guild right?" oh now she wants to go! it your fault!! * sigh * no helping it thats just the way she is. finally im done drying up and we are on our way to fairy tale, yes i just hope the entrance isnt to hard, fairy tale holds the best of the best, gracie just doesnt know that otherwise we would have to go join another guild and i am not going to join anything but fairy tale. " welcome to fairy tale" gah! who is she, she apeared out of no where! " im erza, sorry i scared u but u really need to put on some clothes" no no no, there goes first impretion where are my clothes, i hope gracie isnt too scared, i left her there to find my clothes. "sorry about that its a bad habbit, im trying to gt out of it. where is gracie?" i look around but i cant find her until erza points her out, and she is getting the guild simble on her right arm. me too! i want one "if u want to join just go over ther and by the way find your shirt too" to late i was gone, i barley heard her yelling at me to find my shirt, instead i was talking to the girl and asking her to stamp me on the arm to, but just as she was about to stamp my arm erza turned me around and it ended up stamped on my chest, damn it...


hey guys i hope u like it im working really hard on making this a good book, if u guys have any ideas or storys i should add or write just leave a comment ok, thank you

- the author

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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