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You could uh..pretend to be with me..? - Simon


I stared down at my phone re-reading Simons text over and over again my head.

I was still sat next to Freezy but I looked over my shoulder at the door to the kitchen and then stood up, I made my way upstairs to the room I had stayed in and shut the door.

Really? You'd do that..for me? - Liv

I replied and sat down on the bed, five seconds later my phone pinged again.

Yeah, of course I would.. babe ;) - Simon

My stomach clenched at the word "babe" but I smiled down at the text.

Shut up you :P - Liv

I put my phone on charge and grabbed my laptop from my bag. I logged on and clicked onto Twitter scrolling through tweets one after another. Favouriting and following people as I scrolled down my timeline.

I spent a good 15 minutes on Twitter and then I decided to watch a film on my laptop using a website. I found a new film that had come out and got into bed, pulling the covers up over my body and placed my laptop on my knees.

Only 20 minutes in to the film I heard a knock on the door, I paused the film and shouted for them to come in.

"You don't reply to your texts much, do you?" Simon said shutting the bedroom door behind him as he sat down on the bed next to me, I moved up slightly so he could sit down properly.

He grabbed my phone from its place and showed me the 4 texts I hadn't replied too.

Dont tell me to shut up, im doing you a favour xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Simon

Babe? lol - Simon

Liv? ugh why don't you reply? 

Callux is on his way over now? So.. uh.. - Simon

"Thank you" I said putting my head on his shoulder, we sat there for a minute and then he placed his arm around my shoulder.

"It's fine, we're good enough friends and I don't want him to hurt you, so really you don't need to thank me" He said with his arm still held tightly around me.

We again stayed in silence for a little while, I un-paused the film I was watching and Simon brought his feet up onto the bed.

Feeling safe and secure within Simons arms my stomach however felt tight. I enjoyed Simons company. But the warmth of his body close to mine gave me chills. We were sat watching the film I had started for about 5 minutes until we heard the door downstairs shut.

I looked up at Simon to see him already looking down at me.

"I'll go down and say hi, tell him that we're upstairs" He said removing his arm from around me and standing up, he walked over to the door and opened it, he took a step out of the room but paused when I said his name.

"Simon" I said. He turned at his name and looked down at me.

"Are you going to..uh.. come back?" I asked stuttering slightly, all he did was smile at me.

"I'll be back, don't worry" He said then left from his place in the doorway, I could hear his footsteps as they got quieter.

I sunk down into bed and un-paused the film. 


20 minutes later Simon still hadn't returned, the film was almost finished so I decided to get up out of bed and go downstairs to sit with the boys.

"Simon?" I said as I made my way downstairs, halfway down I spoke again.

"Babe?" I called out.

"In the front room baby" He said, I tell his voice didn't sound the same, however I ignored it.

I walked into the front room, all the boys averted their eyes to me, even Harry. I tried to act like I didn't notice, I went straight over to Simon and sat next to him. He snaked his arm around my waist and smiled down at me when I looked up at him.

"What the fuck did I miss?" Harry said looking me in the eyes.

"What?" I said, obviously sounding dumb.

"You and Simon?" He replied, the whole room was silent as everyone's eye fell upon both me and Simon.

"Yesterday after Jides video, I told Liv I liked her.." Simon said tightening his grip on my waist.

"I guess you had fun filming yesterday then?" Callux finally spoke directly to me.

"Yeah, it was good, I really enjoyed it" I said relaxing and resting my head onto Simons arm.

The room became silent again very quickly. Everyone still had their eyes focused on me and simon as I sat in his arms.

A few minutes of silent passed and everyone was talking again, Harry and Cal kept on looking over to us every few minutes.

"He's so jealous its amusing" Simon whispered in my ear .

"Stop it, he will hear you ya know?" I whispered back leaning up to his ear , when I pulled away form him he was looking me in the eyes.

"I love you" He said.

Those three words sounded so real but I knew he didn't mean.

"I love you too" I said smiling up at him.

We kept eye contact as he moved his arm so it was around my waist more comfortably. He then smiled at me, and for a second it all felt real.

"CRINGE!" JJ yelled, causing both of us to look up at him.

"Shut up Jide!" Simon laughed

Stay With Me (Simon Minter/MiniMinter)Where stories live. Discover now