Chapter 3 Adria

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Do you know that feeling? The feeling of some regret in the past. The wrong decision in life? How much it hurts to experience that feeling.

Ever since Idan left me on that day, I was alone. No one cares for me really. I was a disgrace to my family, the community, and the world.

That night when Idan left I decided to take the long way home. My house was a small house, it was near the woods far away from town. My parents had to down grade from their mansion to this little shack ever since I was born.

It barely fit my whole family. You see, I have 4 siblings, all boys. Jackaby was the oldest, he is our family warrior. Jackaby hasn't gotten married yet for his color, gray, defined him not too. I guess when your 30 you get really lonely, for my brother hasn't moved out into his own house like every other 30 year old.

Then there's Grander. The most intelligent member in our family. He has the same color as Jackaby.

Then Fran, he's the baby of the family. He's a timid yet shy kid, and his color, purple, fits his personality. He's always so boring and he never wants to do anything.

And finally there's Doger. He always has a temper. His color is a really bright red, and it scares me. He threatens to kill me and throw me into a fire so I'll never have a grave. I never liked him, he never played nice as a kid, and sometimes he'll slap me across the face if he feels like it. Doger wants to get married to a young girl named Amelia. But she's not the right color code for him.

In order to get married in the community you have to marry someone with the same color or someone with a similar color trait. And the girl, Amelia is yellow, not green, or red.

As I neared my house my pace quickened. Knowing if I stayed on the property to long someone would see me. Finally I reached the door to the house. I opened it, and walked in.

The house started off as a long hallway leading to the stairs. On either sides of the hallway were door ways. To the right was the dining room that led to the kitchen, and to the left was the living room.

As I passed the doorways I stopped and looked to my right into the dinning room. My whole family was sitting there staring at me. I gave them a polite nod and headed up stairs.

Up stairs there were multiple doors. One leading to the bathroom, and the others to bedrooms. There was also a little crawl space. That was my room. I opened the door to the crawl space and slowly crawled through it.

It was 8x10 long and 3 feet tall with a slanted ceiling, basically just enough to store clothes and sleep. My room had some pictures... ok maybe a lot. Pictures weren't aloud in the community, especially in color. I love to take pictures but I only take pictures of the wildlife, and some of Me and Idan. My family never comes in my room at all, but if Doger is in a mood he'll storm in. So it's nice to have some privacy.

When I finally crawled into my room I flopped down on my sleeping mat and grabbed a book. It's the only way to pass time in this thing called a "room". Suddenly I hear something from outside. It was my father and an elder.

"Sir, we don't know where they went, they disappeared." One of the elders said.

"Well find them! You know I could get in trouble! I'm in charge on border control! I could let people in or kick them out, but losing them is a different thing!" I heard my father shouting.

"All that we found is a capsized vehicle leading to the training camp 50 miles away. No bodies has been found. But we did found Idan's DNA on the ground. It was blood. He lost a lot of it, and we followed his trail until it suddenly stopped." The elder responded.

"Well that's good. At least Idan wouldn't be putting some crazy stuff in this girl's head. That'll teach her to stay in her place, like the rest of us" my father said with an amusing snort.

Small tears brimmed my eyes as anger filled me. "If that's how they think of Idan then I'm done with this family!" I said to my self.

I quickly grabbed some stuff from my room and crawled out of the crawl space and getting face to face with one on my brothers. I ran right into them and fell back on the the floor. I quickly scramble to my feet and kept my head down.

"I would like some dinner." A selfish voice came from one of my brothers mouth.

"No thank you sir. I will only follow orders, I don't have a free will because I don't have a destiny. I'm basically consider a slave." I said and kept my head down, reciting what my father told me to say.

"Not to me. You're still my sister." The voice said again.

'Ok' I said in my head, 'the only person who hasn't spoken to me and is selfless is probably Jackaby.' He was gone most of my years because of training and I guess he's soften up. But I still don't trust him.

I shuffled my feet a little and kept my head down. "Why don't we go sit in" The voice said again. I followed his command and crawled back in. There I finally looked up at the person. Yesi was right, it was Jackaby. I put my bag of stuff that I packed in my lap, as Jackaby struggled to enter through my crawl space door.

Finally when he got through he had to sit on the floor crisscrossed and hunched over to fit in. "Here, eat." He said and handed me the plate of food. I did what I was told and took the plate. I hadn't realized how hungry I was cause I devoured the whole thing in less than ten minutes.

"See, I knew you would have been hungry. But....what's in the bag?" Jackaby said and then started to reach over to grab my bag.

"Stuff! Just stuff, I'm gonna run away." I said truthfully hoping he would leave me alone.

"Why would you do that?"

"My family hates me, everyone hates me except Idan!" I said almost spitting out of anger.

"Well that makes two then" Jackaby said with a small smile, "I'm going to be moving out soon, why don't you come and live with me. I will treat you nice and respect you as a person, but never go into town. You hear me?"

He then stuck out his hand, as if to make an agreement on it. I hesitated, thinking of the possibilities and outcomes, and then grabbed his hand and shook it.

I knew that this was going to be a the day of a long friend ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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