1660 ?

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? ? 1660 ?

I blinked my eyes trying to get them to focus but when the world remained blurry I closed them again. My dreams were so unusual and I just wanted to escape them. The beautiful women in my dreams were not nearly enough to make it worth the pain that accompanied them. I stretched out across the bed feeling how stiff my body felt. Taking inventory of the pain with my eye closed I slowly moved my body starting at the bottom and working my way up. I wiggled my toes and stetched my feet. They felt as if they had been drug across coral. I bent and stretched my legs out one at a time. When I bent them I could feel the bruising in the joints. My chest, abdomen and back felt as if a horse was crushing down on them while a white hot poker was being forced in between each fiber. The longer I lay there the harder breathing got. Taking deep breaths in and out trying to refocus my thoughts and I slowly, very slowly stretched my arms down to my sides. Already my shoulders felt as if they were being torn from their sockets but I didn't know what pain was until I started moving my arms. Spreading my fingers wide I slowly started raising my arms straight up and with each inch I gained a new flame of pain flared through my body. By the time my arms were straight above my head I went nearly numb with the sheer misery radiating throughout my upper body. Images of mermaids and moonbeams and terror danced between the stars I saw as I lay there. I took three breaths in this position and then flung my arms forward to bring me upright. I nearly passed out with the effort but sitting up took the horse off my chest.

I sat there breathing taking a moment to figure out how to brace myself. Once I was sure I wasn't going to collapse back down I began blinking again. It took a few tries but eventually the room came into view. This wasn't a room I recognized. The decor was too fine and the bed too ornate to be the upstairs rooms of the hole I was in last night. The room was definately too clean to be in any way attached to that pub; it smelled of flowers and fruit. The colors were bright and invigorating and made me feel better just glancing about. It was a small room overall, probably less than ten paces wide either direction. The furniture was a rich mahogany and was arranged to make the most of the small space. Overall the effect was comfortable and inviting. Where am I? How did I get here? I don't remember getting here last night. How much did I drink last night? Did I fight with the other brawlers? Is that why my body hurts so badly? Glancing down at my wrists when I felt a burning sensation I noticed the pale pink marks encircling them. The skin was raw and painful to the touch. What did I do last night? Thinking back and doing a quick recap of the night the last thing I remeber was the beautiful blonde leading me to the beach. Was the beautiful blonde woman the one who brought me up here? No surely she was just a dream. Someone that beautiful could not be forgotten.

Oh Lord, how much did last night cost me? "Oh bloody hell!" I whisper as I look over to the chair where my clothes are laying neatly folded, please let my things be in tact. Please tell me my affects are still mine and not in the pocket of the person who helped me to bed. My hands were shaking when I crossed to the pile and I was nearly too nervous to sort through my meager stack of personal belongings. Slowly and methodically I lifted each article of clothing and each moment my heart faltered. My worst fear at the moment is confirmed, I have been robbed. I stood there shaking for a few moments before collapsing on the now vacant chair defeated. Now what? I have been am indentured servant for too long and I will be damned if I will be one again! I can't pay for staying a night so I have to get out before the keeper of this room comes looking for their pay. As swiftly as my aching body would allow me I dressed and realized, whoever my theif was they took my boots as well. What kind of person would steal nearly useless boots? Alright shoeless it is then. I pulled the curtain back and was nearly blinded by the sun after being in the lightly lit room. I tried to open the window and found it nailed shut. No wonder, in a place like this I am sure I am not the first bloke that needed a swift exit. I am trapped yet again.

To Life, Love and Loot: A Pirate's AccountWhere stories live. Discover now