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thank you captives for the covers ilysm!!! they're all so cute & i loved them

michael ;

when i woke up, the first thing i noticed was the pale arm of the boy curled up into my side. the comfort was amazing, i've always loved the feeling of his body against my own. the 2nd thing i noticed was the daylight streaming through the window on the far side of the room. that was my que to leave.

i slowly, and gently picked the beautiful bare boy next to me's arm and sat it against his chest, scooting away and out of the bed. i had to get out before he woke up, i couldn't let him see me. i'd have to stay, and i knew i couldn't do that. 

i felt bad ; i do this to luke entirely too often. i wake up from a passionate night with him and disappear off the face of the earth for about a month, not returning his calls and texts, and then just coming out of the blue knowing he'd take me back in for another night, and then i'd leave again before he woke.

i didn't use luke. that's not what i do. i just can't stand being away from him, and i have to come back every single time. he leaves me needing more, but not wanting to allow myself to get anymore, or get close enough to fall in love. but who knows, maybe i already have.

i was selfish. i knew that. i didn't want to fall in love, i never want to fall in love ever again. love isn't my cup of tea, but i knew there were feelings between me and luke. i didnt want to admit it, but they were there, floating in the atmosphere between us no matter how far apart we were, or how long we were away from each other.

every time we touched i could feel it, i felt the motor start back up in my system, heard the engine roar. i let luke take the wheel, i let him do what he wanted, because this boy, this magnificent boy had me like i never wanted to be had ever again.

i was in only my boxers, searching around the room for the clothes we had thrown off of me in every which was as we had stumbled in here last night.

i found my shirt by the door, my pants by the night stand on the side i always end up on, and i knew my socks and shoes were downstairs. when i slipped my pants on, i made sure my phone and keys were in there before moving swiftly to the door.

that was when i heard shuffling, and a small groan, and i knew it was over. i'd been caught.

"mikey?" i heard the low, rough morning voice of the boy i was trying to escape.

i flipped around and managed a small, lazy smile, gulping down any fear i had bubbling up. looking luke in the eye was the most destructive thing i could do, and i managed to keep my eyes locked on the floor so i didn't have to be pulled in.

"mikey, baby," i could hear the sadness laced in luke's voice, i could feel the blue sea of eyes boring into my skull. i wanted to walk over to him and grip him in the biggest hug imagined, but i knew i couldn't. i had to keep my ground. he was only a person, how weak could he make me?

i kept my eyes focused on the floor beneathe me, i couldn't, i really couldn't look at luke. if i did, if i saw the sleepy, depressing face of this one boy who weakens my soul, i'd have to go to him. i wouldn't be able to resist it anymore. my walls would tumble down and he'd have me in the palm of my hand, like he nearly does right now.

i could only imagine how luke looked right now. his hair tangled and twirled, sticking up slightly in the back like it does every time and straight against his forehead in the front, giving him his adorably dorky look. i could see his lips flipped upside down in a slight pout/frown, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes glassy.

"michael," luke said, "michael, look at me." he started to sound serious, his sleepy tone wearing off and sounding like the luke i'd heard so clearly last night.

when my eyes stayed glued to the floor for several more seconds, i heard a lot of shuffling and knew luke was walking towards me. no, no he can't.

"luke please don't," i flipped back facing the door and reached for the handle, pulling it open slightly. but luke had gotten to me already, pushing the door closed with his long arm, reaching over top of my head. i dropped my arm from the handle and stayed facing the door, almost pressed against it. i couLDn't face luke, no, i couldn't handle it.

"michael, will you please turn around?" i felt luke's warmth as near as it could get, his front pressed again my back. i felt his hands reach down to the front of my thighs and run up until he reached my lower stomach and locked his hands there. i felt his face barricade into my neck, the fluff of his hair tickling it slightly, planting a kiss and then all of his warmth was gone. he took a step back, waiting for me to turn around.

"luke, i-i can't," i stuttered out.

"yes you can michael, you just choose not to," luke stated, and he was right. fuck it.

i spun around after he said that, feeling tears brim my eyes because luke was cracking me when he hardly even tries.

i looked up at the boy above me, his face softening at my expression. i was staring into his sea of blue, and i was feeling myself melt. i knew i shouldn't have dont it, i knew it i knew it i knew it. his eyes aren't going to let me go.

"please don't leave me again, mikey," luke whispered, lifting his hand and gripping my cheek in a comforting way, sliding it into my hair and massaging my scalp. i nudged my head into his hands, closing my eyes and enjoying this more than i should.

i couldn't say no to luke. this was what i was afraid of. a simple 'dont leave me' and he'd have me right in his arms, and id never leave again. and i'm never leaving again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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