Chapter 3

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There was a low grumbling noise in the back of the van. Different sized objects were clanging up against the metal siding of the vehicle, making loud noises everytime. Something bounced off and hit the right side of my head. Last thing I remembered before going unconscience, was one of the dark figures crawling on the floor, getting closer and closer to me.


I bursted through the front door of the Stark's house like it was my own home. I didn't even attempt to knock first, I just ran right through and tried to find someone. Running through the kichen where Mrs. Stark usually was, and then the livingroom. Still there was no one. I have no idea what the password to the lair is, so I have to resort to knocking.

I continued knocking for what seemed like an hour, but really it was only a couple seconds. I guess he couldn’t hear me over whatever music he was listening to down stairs. It was loud enough for me to hear t upstairs. I had no idea what else there was to do to get his attention. I guess there was no other choice….


The door fell to the ground and I was standing there, with a grin on my face, and in a fighting stance. My foot still in the air, I carefully set it back down. I can’t believe I just kicked Tony’s door down. But I guess thatt must have gotten Tony’s attention because he looked up.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DOOR?!” This is what Tony screamed. If only he knew what I was going to tell him before he started yelling at me, then maybe he would appreciate me knocking the door down. But instead, I had to sit through the lecture with Jarvis holding me back. After the lecture was up I blurted it out.


He dropped everything in his hands, as though he was slowly dying. It was his only child that we were talking about, I guess he should be a little worried.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? All this time we could have been out looking for her. But instead, you had to sit here and wait and wait. Now, Skylar could be any where.”

I rolled my eyes, but didn’t even bother to reply. I think that would just be another excuse to get lectured at. Instead, Tony gets Jarvis to bring the suit over. As he slips it on, he tells me to get out of the room. I guess he needs privacy even though he is putting it on OVER his cloths.

Skylar's POV:

I became unconscience and a room with tattered curtains and stains on the wall paper was starting to appear to me. My eyes were still blurry from when I was hit in the head and got a concusion. Two men in black trench coats were sitting in the far left corner. One of them seemed familar, but I just couldn't put a fingure on it. Then he started to speak. He had a deep voice that I recogonized immidiately.

It was.....


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