Chapter 2: Meeting New Friends

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  A guard takes all 20 teenagers (2 per district) to the stables where our horses are. The guard orders us to get on to our horses and follow him. My horse, Cleo, looks like this: mainly white, with  black splatters, and black curly mane. She is the fastest and most fit horse I have. When we arrive at the Mine Cart  Network, we unsaddled our horses and we put them in another stable. The guard tells us he'll put our horses in a mine cart. We all ride for about two hours, then we arrive at the Tributes Triangle. As we all walk into the giant building, everyone is starring at a beautiful crystal chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling. There were quartz pillars that held up the building too. "Wow", I hear someone say. I was flabbergasted by how pretty the Tributes Triangle was, so was everyone else. The guard leads us to a bunch of butlers and maids. One of the maids comes over to me and tells me to follow her. She shows me to the room I'm going to stay in until the Games.
The maid introduces herself and her name is Mary. She seems like a nice person so I decide to trust her. "If you need anything dear, just ring the little bell by your bed. And I'll see you at dinner, which is at five." "Ok, I will Mary, and thank you." A little after four I get ready for dinner. I look into the closet in my room, and I find a pretty yellow gown with a note on it saying:

                          Lilac, thought you might need this for tonight. - Mary
                          P.S I'm also your fashion designer

I put on the pretty dress. Wow, this thing fits me perfectly! It's a little heavy though, I find out. An hour later, I go down the elevator out to the ball room, where we are having dinner. There was a long spruce table so everyone could fit. I saw the girl Peony, she sees me then approaches me with a worried look on her face. "Um hi I'm Peony, Peony Hemsworth." "Hi I'm from the same district as you, district 12", I say. "Maybe we can be friends?", she asks. "Sure, but we will be sent into the wilderness to kill each other. But, we could team up. But you have to promise not to hurt me," I say. "Ya I promise we can stick together!" Yes! I've made a friend! Good for me!, I think in excitement. I sit next to Mary and Peony when dinner starts. I'm surprised that they let the staff like the maids and butlers sit at our table. Usually the staff members eat at a different time or some other place. But I'm happy I get to sit next to Mary though. She tells me about the upcoming dress she's making me. All I know is that the dress is going to be light  blue. For dinner, the cook brings out this seasoned chicken,mushroom stew, and steaming rolls. When I got a taste of everything, I slowly ate my food to not act like I was a pig, and so I could enjoy the flavor. It was the best dinner I've ever tasted. Since our district is so poor, we never get to eat anything this good. For dessert, there was  freshly baked apple pie topped off with whipped cream. This was the first time I ever had pie. The filling was my favorite part of the pie. I saw that all of the other tributes were really taking their time with dinner too. They must be experiencing the same thing at me. When Peony and I were done eating, we went back up to my room and we talked about our lives in district 12. "At my house my dad and I horse back ride all over the woods. We also have this little cow who makes really good milk. We use the milk to make cheese and sometimes even ice cream in the winter if we have all the ingredients," she tells me. "We have a scruffy old cow - but she doesn't make any milk," I say. I wish my cow could produce milk so my family and I can have cheese and ice cream!, I wish. We probably couldn't get the sugar and the salt rocks for the ice cream though. Peony and I stayed up late in my room, and we both fell asleep on my silky bed.

Minecraft Hunger GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora