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Kai's P.O.V

I just got up from sleep and I felt something on my forehead. I took it and placed it right next to me on the bed. It was a memo sticker. It must be from Soo Jung. Yeah, well, who else is in the house, right? I rubbed my eyes sleepily as I tried to read what she wrote.

Im going out to the mall for a while, okay? I need to buy a few clothes. Oh, and I found where you hid my motorcycle keys. But do you really have to hide it there? I mean, why under your pillow? It's too obvious, you know that? Anyways, I made some pancakes. They're on the counter. :D

Oh, okay. Wait what?! She found the keys?! Oh man. I wanted to ground her until her mom comes back. I got up from bed and decided to eat the pancakes downstairs before taking a shower. I stumbled a little while trying to go down the stairs but I was fine. Just a few bumps into the walls at the side. Once I've reached the kitchen counter, I squinted my eyes to get a better look of the pancakes on the counter. The first thought that came to my mind was heaven. She made red velvet pancakes and those are my favourite! I really love red velvet pancakes since I was little. I immediately brought the plate towards me and gobbled down the pancakes. I was right. They really taste like heaven. I was enjoying it a lot and didn't care about my surroundings anymore. Once I was finished, I cleaned all the dishes and went upstairs. I took a quick shower and put on my clothes. I was thinking of what to do when I suddenly remembered something. I'm gonna have my first meet with my girlfriend tonight! I looked in the closet in search of some good clothes for me to wear tonight but I couldn't find any. Guess I'll have to buy some clothes then.

I went downstairs, took my keys and helmet that were placed on a table. I headed to my motorbike and turned on the engine. Once I've reached the mall, I parked my motorbike and took off my helmet. When on the way to the entrance, I suddenly spotted Soo Jung. She didn't notice me so I decided to play a trick on her. In her hands, there were some shopping bags. Some were from Forever 21, H&M and Marks n Spencer. I secretly followed her to her motorbike. When she had reached her motorbike, I took that as a chance to creep up behind her but before I could, she said "Kai, I know you're there. Come out. You don't have to try to scare me." I pouted. " did you know? I was trying my best to scare you." She turned around to face me and chuckled. "You think I didn't notice you following me? You're always too obvious to hide things including yourself you know that?" She shook her head at the end of her sentence and got on her motorbike. "I'll see you at home. I know you just came here. I'm not stalking you but I saw you parked your motorbike just now so I presume you just arrived. Annyeong." She turned on the engine and left just like that. I was dumbfounded for a moment before realizing what had just happened. I shook my head and went in the mall to search my clothes. I got a (A/n: Idk how to explain it but it's in the mm above. Mian) I paid price of the clothes at the counter and it was quite obvious the cashier was flirting with me because she kept giving me a seductive smile but whatever. I'm not interested. Besides, I already have a girlfriend even though it's not physically official but still. I thank the cashier coldly and I could see she was not happy with my reaction. I'm not trying to be rude but I just want to let her know I'm not interested and I don't want to keep her hopes high thinking I would maybe fall for her. I returned to my motorbike since I don't really have anything else to do there. It's better to tease Soo Jung rather than sit at the mall all alone without anyone to cling on. It's lonely. I started the engine and while on the way home, I thought of a way to surprise Soo Jung when I come back.

I reached Soo Jung's house in about 10 minutes drive. I got off my motorbike and tiptoed to one of the windows of the house. I could see Soo Jung sitting on the sofa in the living room watching tv. I smirked and headed to the back door. I accidentally stepped on a few twigs and panicked but then I remembered she was still in the house so no big deal. I reached out for the door knob and twisted it open slowly. I fell to the back when I saw who was in front of me. Soo Jung was making some gestures like a monster trying to attack its prey. I was shouting at the time and quickly covered my mouth in shame when I realized my voice sounded like a girl. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You sound like a girl! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was already in tears because of laughing too much. I pouted at her. She noticed it and stopped laughing but she was still wiping her tears. "Oh god, oh god. You're so funny. Anyways, like I've always told you, you're not good at all these things. I could clearly hear your motorbike engine from inside." "But---just now I saw you in front of the tv................was that just a prop???!!!" "Ne, you guessed it right." No wonder it looked a little weird. That was it. Just a prop. I'm so stupid not to realize that. I mentally scolded myself for it. She was still clutching her stomach due to laughing too much. "Araseo, araseo, enough teasing me. Kaja, let's go to the living room. I wanna watch tv." She helped me get up even though her effort was quite futile because I was not even lifted an inch from the ground. I abruptly lifted myself off the ground making Soo Jung shocked and fell on her bum. " really are heavy." She wiped the sweat off her forehead and got up. I held her arm for support but I was too rough while pulling her up and she bumped her face into my chest. She pushed me away and stomped to the living room. I went towards her and sat beside her on the sofa. The prop was still beside Soo Jung and it really did look like Soo Jung. Only some slight differences here and there. "Yah, are you mad at me?" I asked her. She didn't respond and continued to watch the tv. "Yah, Soo Jung-ie, are you mad?" I made a cute puppy dog face and went nearer until it looked like as if I was cuddling with her. "Aniya, I'm not mad." "Then why did you stomp off just like that? It hurts this cute little heart, you know?" I pouted my lips and moved an inch closer, if that was possible. We were already too close for each other's comfort. "Yah, you're not cute, you know." She pushed me away that it almost sent me flying. "Then answer me. Jebal." I kept crouching closer to her even if she gets annoyed. "Ara, ara. I stomped away because every time I'm with you, there will always be an accident like I'll fall on you and the other way arou---" I cut her short by kissing her cheeks. "Y-yah, what did you do that for?" "You wouldn't keep quiet. I know I want you to explain why you stomped off but you're nagging too much right now. Can't you at least keep quiet and take a deep breath?" "Araseo. I'm bored. What time is it now?" "It's still 4 p.m. No worries. There's still 3 more hours till we get ready for my meeting and yours with our own girlfriend or boyfriend." She nodded and laid her head on my shoulder. "W-wh-what are you doing?" I was kinda flustered because I've never been in this situation with any girl before. "Just lying down on your shoulder. I'm tired." She yawned and her eyelids looked like they were gonna close anytime soon. I caressed her right hand. "You can sleep if you want. I don't mind. I know you're tired." She immediately closed her eyes and drift off to dreamland once I said that. I could hear her soft snores coming from her mouth. She was so cute. I tried to resist the urge to kiss her there and then. Her face was just so close to me. I tried to focus on the tv but her face keeps distracting me. At one point I couldn't stand it anymore so I cupped her cheeks and smacked my lips with hers. I deepened the kiss and I was grateful she was quite a heavy sleeper. I pulled away for air and she was still not awake. I placed her head back on my shoulder and placed my head on hers. I sighed. I know Soo Jung doesn't have feelings for me but I don't care. I'd steal all these precious moments with her while I still can. I know I sound like a hypocrite to my girlfriend but I just needed this. I'm sorry Krystal. I won't do this to anyone else but you once we're official. I set an alarm on my phone for 7 p.m. and let dreamland took over as I closed my eyes.

Soo Jung's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I tried to lift my head but it felt so heavy. I looked through the corner of my eyes and say Kai's head on top of mine. I slowly pushed his head off of mine and began searching for the source of sound. The sound of the alarm was coming from Kai's phone that was inside his pocket. I fished it out from his pocket and turned off the alarm. I placed his phone on the table in front of the sofa and woke Kai up. He groaned in annoyance as I shook his arm. "What do you want, Soo Jung? I'm tired." He said as he tried to push my arm off him. "Yah, ireona. Now it's 7 p.m. You have to get ready for your meeting with your girlfriend later, remember?" He groaned once again and got up from the sofa. "Hmm....." Was all he said before going up the stairs to the bathroom. I took the tv remote on the table and searched for a channel to watch while waiting for Kai. While waiting for Kai, I accidently fell asleep again on the sofa. I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. I look up to see Kai who was already done showering and well dressed for his date. "What time is it now?" I groaned. "It's 7:30 p.m. You better get up and get ready or you'll be late." He patted my right arm and gestured me to get up. I got up lazily and yawned in the process. Kai chuckled a little at my sleepy state. I slowly went up the stairs and almost tripped due to not paying attention to where I was stepping. I went in my room and rummaged through the shopping bags that contained my clothes I bought this morning. I took out a black button-up shirt and a pair of blue jeans. (A/n: refer to the media above) I threw the clothes on the bed and locked the door. I went in the toilet with my towel and slammed the door behind me.

*time skip*

After I was done showering, I wrapped the towel around my body and went out of the toilet. I took my phone and checked the time. It was already 7:49 p.m. I quickly got ready and put on my clothes. I went downstairs and saw Kai still chilling in front of the tv. I went to him and tapped his shoulders. "Mwoh?" He asked almost rather grumpily. "Aren't you supposed to be on your way to your date?" "Where I'm going to meet her is just at the park in front of our house so I'll leave in another........oh, it's 7:58 p.m. I'll leave now." He got up and headed to the door. He fixed his jacket a little before heading out. Though, I was thinking, 'He's meeting with his girlfriend there? It's the same place I'm going. Maybe I can meet his girlfriend later then and he can meet my boyfriend.' I fixed my hair and headed out the door. I crossed the street towards the park and looked around for a bench to sit. I found an empty bench near a fountain that was located somewhere in the park. I took out my phone and went to LINE. I've never called my boyfriend before even if I've known him for quite some time. Funny, right? Well, actually he and I have promised not to call each other until we meet for the first time. I placed my phone near my ear and waited for the ring. He picked up the call at the second ring. "Yeobuseyo?" He sounds familiar. Maybe I've heard him from somewhere. At school maybe? Whatever, I'll still meet him. "Ummm.....where are you? I've already reached the park." "Wait, hold on. Who are you? Wait, don't tell me. Krystal? Is this really you? You're calling me? Wow, this is a miracle. And, by the way you have a nice voice. You kinda remind me of someone but whatever. Just don't hang up, araseo?" I giggled at his cuteness. "Yah, what are you giggling at?" I could hear him panting. "It's nothing. You're just so cute. And are you running?" "Ne, waeyo?" "You didn't have to run you know. Are you hear at the park yet?" "Ne, I am at the park. But where are you?" I tried my best not to laugh because he was panting so much. "I'm at the fountain. I'm sitting on one of the benches." I could feel him nod at the other end. He hung up right after I told him my location. I laughed a little. He must've been really tired to keep on holding the phone.

A few minutes later, I saw Kai running and stopped at the fountain. He looked like he was about to faint. He was panting a lot too. He looked around and saw me. He went towards me and asked "Where's your boyfriend?" "Ah....he's coming in a short while." He nodded and said "My girlfriend told me to come here. I'm just trying to find her around here but there's so many people so I think I should call her." He looked around and took out his phone. He placed his phone at his ear and waited. A few seconds later, I received a phone call. I answered right away because I know it would be my boyfriend. "Yeobuseyo?" I heard an echo of what I said from Kai's phone. I looked at Kai with big eyes. Kai also turned to face me and shock was written on his face as well.

Soooooo, you know what this means, right? Some of you might be thinking, right? How can she not realize it earlier? I mean like, it's so dang obvious yet she doesn't realize it. Anyways, the real ending is in the epilogue right after this. Hope you enjoyed!

Kamsahamnida everyone!😄😄❤️😘😊✌🏼️😄

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