Chapter Four

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HII!! So so so so so so sorry for this very late update! I was gone for a long while because something bad happened to me. I know there is no words enough for me to say in order for any of you to forgive my insolence about not being able to continue this story sooner! I'd like to thank all the people who still read this and waited patiently for an update! You people became my inspiration and became my source of motivation for me to keep writing this! There will now be continuous updates of this mainly 2 chapters per week and I intend to keep that word!

Love you all!



"What?" Slenderman broke the silence with that one question.

Jeff cringed, something I haven't seen him do for all the entire year that I knew him, and he looked scared. Really scared.

Zalgo, his name carried power and fear in the world I'm living in. A demon of corruption, a god to others. He ruled this world, an overlooker of everything that occurs and is known to be a cruel and merciless judge. Why would he, of all people, be looking for us?

"Slendy, what are we gonna do?" Sally asked him meekly. Her voice lacked it usual bite becoming that of a terrified little girl.

"We can't take her there as she is now, Slendy," E.J butted in, "she's weak and even if her fever is gone, she won't be able to even stand for at least another day. She's lost too much blood. I mean, look at her! She's almost as white Jeff!"

"HEY! Words hurt!" Jeff yelled at him.

"I..It's okay," I rasped, still having difficulties speaking, "It's not li-like we can postpone his summons, right? Drag me if you have to, we have to get there."

"Are you sure?" Slenderman asked.

"Slendy, no!" E.J insisted. Frankly, I don't understand why he's worrying so much. I know he takes his medic-for-the-group gig seriously, but I didn't expect it to reach this extent.

You're broken.

That's what he said. What did he mean by it? Am I broken because I murdered my family and became a serial killer living with a bunch of serial killers? Or does he mean something else?

"What's wrong with me showing up there, E.J? Zalgo only wants us to be there, correct? Then why worry?" I asked, probably sounding annoying now.

"You're only saying that because you've never met him!" he answered dismissively.

I frowned. Something inside me was boiling, something hot and wild threatening to spill over. What it was, I wasn't very sure.

"Jack, Calliope is--," Slenderman was trying to say something but I cut him off before he could finish it.

"It doesn't matter. What kind of resident would I be not meeting the 'President' of the world I was merely adopted in. It's only logical." Although, me saying this was a logical path was very much illogical since logic doesn't really work properly in this place.

"There's actually nothing really logical about that," Ben chimed in making me look at him and E.J nod in agreement, "but you should let her do what she wants, Jack. No sense trying to talk a killer out of something they want to do."

E.J seemed to frown but didn't say anything else. That was it. It was finally decided. I was going to meet Zalgo for the first time and surprisingly, the thought of me being killed there suddenly made all of us feel uneasy.

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