Chapter 1

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Third period, a guy named Matt who sits behind me had a handful of weed.

Like literally he had the weed in his bare hand and was asking a guy sitting next him if he had a baggie. I was slightly alarmed. He eventually folded a turquoise piece of paper with half solved math equations on it into a pretty sloppy "baggie"(? Idk what else to call it. )

Tbh that sums up my feelings for Algebra II atm.

Also tbh I was kinda upset he didn't offer me any. Not that I want to do pot or anything, no its just that someone offering you drugs at school is like a bucket list thing. Do you get what I'm talking about? Adults always say that you'll be peer pressured to take drugs at school but the thing is no one wants to give you free drugs, its not cheap and kids are greedy. 

Back to Matt- Every one knows hes a big time pothead, he even ran away from home and school one year to hang out with a bunch of druggies on a bridge over the grand canyon (at least I think it was the grand canyon his stories are pretty wild). Eventually a park ranger noticed them and Matt got into court for possessing illegal substances and attempt group suicide. The evidence was weak so he and his friends won the case but that's a story for another time. Anyways so even our teacher Ms.C knows he does drugs and they even talked about how cigarettes are worse for you than weed. 

Which is what I think made him feel that it was OK to call out "Its ok Ms. C I got a baggie!"


He sits in the second to last desk in the class room and she was having a conversation with another student at the front of the classroom and still heard him. But of course pretended not to.


"Nvm Ms. C!"


"I didn't realize she could hear me" he whispered, 

"The whole class can hear you" I laughed. 

We did a power point about the progressive movement. Matt went through all the random papers in his backpack. 

"Why do I have so much books?" He had two paperbacks.

I carry about 4-5 books most days. Two of them are usually hardback textbooks. The trees are after my back.

"Hey when was this due?" 

Its a surprise I can recognize the crumpled history worksheet.

"A few weeks ago I think" I reply. 

He laughs. 

I guess if you're constantly high, school isn't stressful. I always see him happy. If I see him.

A tall middle eastern guy who has a very nicely trimmed beard and looks like he should be studying the stock market brags to Ms. C about how the pink blankie he's snuggled up in -which has the word "princess" patterned on it- was on sale.

 He got 2 for $15.

I'm no longer sure if he would do well in the stock exchange business. At least he dresses smartly and plays soccer. I'm sure he'll have fun in life. 

Fourth period is Japanese 2. 

Still a joke. Still full of weebs. 

Fifth is psychology.

The teachers granddaughter is a genius. She has a black belt in karate, played soccer since she was four, straight A student, has an incredible voice and is getting guitar lessons. 

She's twelve. 

She hacked into her parents Ipad and spent over $400 on apps and upgrades, which damaged her parents credit history. Got caught and did it again. Apparently she can't control her impulses. Her parents had to go back on a new house they were about to buy and now she cant use any technology or the Internet.

When I was twelve I had concerns for my tomagachi's health level.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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