2 Awaken

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  Annabeth's head spun like a top, throbbing at her temples. She sat up slowly from her lying position, she had been moved to a new room, it was dark and cold, Annabeth almost thought she could see her breath... The last thing she could remember was being in the woods, running. Then all of her scenes rushed to her. Where am I? She thought snapping glances around the room. Bad idea. Ooh such a bad idea. Every little movement seemed to add to her pain.
    The floor was a cement grey, and the walls where some kind of strong metallic material. Everything blended in together making it impossible to find a door if there was one. Annabeth tried to stand up, a numbing sting shot threw her leg and up her back making her go down again, she gripped at her Jeans right leg rolling it up. A bruise as big as her hand stained her skin.
     A hidden compartment in the wall slid open abruptly. Letting in blinding light, a tall, dark silhouette kept all the white light from rushing in at once. The person was shoved in and stumbled to a stand revealing a more feminine shape, the woman looked back as the door slid to a close.

     "Who-who's there?" Annabeth stuttered out.

     "Anna?!" A familiar voice echoed threw the room.

     "Bear!" Annabeth said happily.

       Annabeth tried to stand once more looking for the woman, almost falling down again. Bear somehow caught Annabeth in a hug supporting her as they slowly sat on the floor next to each other.

      "What did they do to you Anna?" Bear said loosening her hug. "Are you hurt?" She added with that sharp edge in her tone that only mothers had when protecting their child.

       "Only bruised." Annabeth said.
    As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, Annabeth could see that Bear had taken on more than she was letting on. Her mouth and nose dripped with dried blood, and her left cheek had an ugly bruise, Annabeth looked down at Bear's arms, they had quite a few scratches on them. "What happened to you?" Anna yelped.

       "I- uh. Bought you some time Anna." Bear said, then shivered as if she just noticed how cold it was. "Can't these people pay the heating bill like the rest of us?" She asked to the darkness.

       "Bear... What happened?"

       Bear sighed. "They broke into the house, after I told you to run, they tried to go after you... And I put up one 'heck of a fight."  Bear motioned vigorously with her hands as the story progressed.
      "There was three of em' " She said " Bulky guys. Loaded up with these giant guns. I remember them trying to follow you out the door, but I flipped the dining table in front of it. They weren't gonna' hurt you if I had anything to say about it. I remember two of them leaving out of the front door.
     "One of them stayed behind though. Shouting some things, that I'm not willing to say in front of you Anna."

       Annabeth rolled her eyes.

      "Anyways. That creep pulled a knife on me, something about a "fair fight" is what he said. So I advanced with my frying pan-"

       Annabeth laughed, imagining this woman in her bedroom slippers and her pajamas fighting a armed soldier with a frying pan.

        "But I tell you. He cheated somehow, I don't know how he won. Probably some of that science crap. Long story short I got hit in the head a few times... Short story long, I can't wait for a rematch." Bear said.

         It was just like bear to get into fights. Annabeth could recall moments in her childhood where bear would pick arguments with her teachers and win.

        "I missed you Bear." Annabeth mumbled.

     Bear put her arms around Annabeth wrapping her in warmth. Then resting her head on top of Annabeth's.

         "Well I'm here now. You don't have to miss me anymore."

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