Wrong Thought's - 5

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Broken past

Chapter 5

I've got to say, the next few days were quite boring, well since the first day of school it were not as fun, I had heaps of work to do, and I had to catch up with my English work with Aiden, oh yeah about him; he has not been in school for a while, kind of worrying actually maybe it's because of him getting a cold from the other night. 

It was now Friday and I am absolutely tired from last night's movie marathon with Cathy, god that girl is like a ball of energy; 

Only god knows how she can stay energetic and looking pretty as always, as for me; 

I have eye bag's, obviously covered by concealer; from my lack of sleep, my curled dirty blonde hair covered by my red beanie and I'm wearing a black crew neck that say's 'hipsta please' with black legging's and my red vans. 

We got out of my red polo, when I realised a similar blue pick up truck next to it, I realised just seeing the truck made me happy, what was he doing to me? 

Cathy realised I was smiling and said 

"Why the big smile?" 

And a deep voice said from behind me 

"It's because I'm here, Am I right?" 

I could recognise that voice anywhere, I turned around and slapped his arm 

"Shut up, you conceited jerk!" 

He faked hurt and then put on a cute mischievous smile on his face that showed off his adorable dimples and said; 

"Damn, i guess you wont be needing this then." 

He waved my camera up in the sky, right now i really wish i were wearing heels, 

I jumped up trying to get it i touched the aztec strap and shouted "i got it!" 

Then he started running away with it, i followed running as fast as i could; but with that boy having longer legs than me, it was much harder. 

We were running towards a boy with messy beach blonde hair, he looked quite dazed by the fact that we were running into him, then i shouted 


The boy moved to the side as i tackled Aiden to the ground, 

Sitting on top of him; i felt quite happy that his smirk was gone for about five seconds then i came back and he whispered 

"This looks really wrong, dont you think?" 

I looked at out position and around us and gasped everyone stopped walking and was looking at us, i was straddling him on the sidewalk. 

I whacked his arm and said  

"You dirty boy, this wouldn't have happened if you just gave my camera, now hand it over; i won." 

The blonde boy muttered 


Aiden then said 

"Yeah? Oh Hey o'conner." 

Then he whispered in my ear, 

"Shout Aiden's the sexiest boy in the world and that you missed him so much!" 

"Boy, were not in high school; i refused to do that." 

"Fine then, youll never get your camera back and ill delete all your pictures." 

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