Deals With the Devil

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Red rivers are made
From your razor blade
It's nice to feel the pain
When everything said
U sort of feel dead
With nothing to feel but the blame

One day you'll wake up
And not drink from that cup
But it's hard to imagine that day.
The day you'll be free
From emotions and need
The day you'll set it straight

You can fight and beg
For that one great day
But until then your lost
The devil will come
To give a new one
But you're life is the cost

You take what he gives
Cuz you know no other way
Little did u know it was almost your day
You could have been patient
Waited some more
But no, you were greedy and closed that door

Now you are one with the dirt and sky
Because your day to be free
Was the day you died

Deals With The DevilWhere stories live. Discover now