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A full moon rose high above the horizon over the lake that bordered the east of the Hildbridge family estate. Estella stared out at the water, as it reflected the moon in shimmering ripples that tickled against her toes as she sat in the rope swing underneath the large oak in the back yard. The wind was soft and the air chilled, and the clouds hugged the banks like thick plumes of never ending smoke. Estella looked behind her to see her only sister walking down to the lake to join her. Estella left the swing, and sat cross legged on the soft grass. Her sister, Rebecca, sat in the spot that Estella had just been in, and twirled a single rose between her fingers. Rebecca and Estella were close sisters, telling nearly everything to each other.

"I wish things had been better too you know." Estella nodded silently at her sister, "I wish that we'd of done something different." Rebecca stopped, and Estella stood against the tree's trunk, and watched as Rebecca gently swayed back and forth. Estella would sit in the swing everyday, for hours on end, talking to Rebecca, and swaying gently back and forth.

"I just wish we would have tried every last tunnel, overturned every pebble."

"You did your best, but it's not as though I made it easy for you at-"

"But we didn't, we failed, not only you, but ourselves."

"I know but-"

"If only I hadn't been so selfish, perhaps you'd still....." Rebecca drifted off, and wiped a tear from her eye, before turning to the wooden cross that sat beside the swing, and planted the single rose neatly against it. She stood from the swing, and looked out over the lake. The burden had been to much for Estella, and now she watched as her once close sister, stared out over the water, unaware of her presence. Rebecca heard the wind blow, and sighed as it flew past her hair, before standing. It had only been a few days since Rebecca's sister had drowned herself in that very water, washing herself clean of all pain, but leaving it behind like a cloak, that covered her once happy family. Rebecca stepped out of her slippers, and let her feet touch the cool water. Her sister and her had once been close, and Rebecca thought she had known every detail, but she had been wrong. It was only after her death that the torment arose, like a wave that battered her very soul, and everything she thought she knew came crashing down beneath it. Now, she stood, over looking the still water. The wind had stopped completely, and Rebecca contemplated life and death, an on going battle between two selves, both wanting the pain to end. The water felt cool against her toes, relaxing her. Beckoning her to its depths. Rebecca took a step forward, and from the corner of her eye, she saw the swing move slightly. Rebecca looked back, and showed no emotion as she continued to wade into the water. Once again, the swing moved. Rebecca ignored it, and continued walking deeper into the water. The coolness lapped at her waist now, and there was a sudden shout that broke the silence of the windless night.

"I'm sorry!" Rebecca snapped back, and saw a faint image of Estella, sitting in the swing, holding her hands to her eyes, weeping immensely. She wavered in and out as the clouds passed over the moon, and Rebecca blinked twice. As she moved closer, Estella looked up and said,

"I'm sorry. But don't do it. It won't work." And as the breeze blew, Estella vanished. Rebecca looked around, shocked and confused as the words sank in. She stumbled her way to the swing, and sat down. Estella had vanished, but she could feel her presence near her. The wind once more stopped, and Estella sat with her sister. As Rebecca sat, she felt a weight lifted from her, and the air around her. She smiled to herself, knowing everything was going to be okay. Not today, but someday as the moon surrendered to the pushing of the rising sun over the horizon on east of the Hildbridge family estate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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