A baby in Camp- Halfblood

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Poseidon POV

I can't believe what Dalia has done but I not surprised she will risk everything for her home and our daughter. I had promised myself that I will try not to fall for another mortal and bring more suffering and misery to my children. It seams that I have fallen once more and now my daughter can raised by her aunts but also by myself and my family. This will be the first time I have brought to the world a mortal daughter and take her to the safe heaven for demigods. "Shush little one we are almost near are first destination. There you will meet one of your many brothers Triton and my wife Ampridites." I whisper to my little Sakura cuddling her dipper in her blanket. A that reminds me that caring a new born baby and the baby's stuff while riding on on of my horse is quite the challenge. "Healed Angus don't go to fast or you will wake her up it is quite a task to get her to sleep after she said her final goodbye to Dalia. So come down. " I instructed to one of my loyal horse. Angus calm dawn a bit more after I told him. It seams we are nearing my underwater palace now my little one will discover that she can breathe underwater. I can see my home and my family are waiting for me in the water garden in my palace. " Neal Angus and go to the stables." I commanded him. My son was their tall and proud in his human form that look like a 20 year old boy with black hair, sea green eyes, and a tall frame. a Beside Triton stood my wife a warrior in every right. " Father what is that in your arms." My son incurred. What he said cough the attention of my wife."Well my son this is your little sister" I told him while I was looking at my wife she was enrage with the news. Sense I had made a pact with my two brothers to not have any more demigod children, but at least I was not the fist to break it that was Zeus. "Triton hold little Sakura for me" I in dictated to my son. He did not look please with the situation but still open his hands to hold Sakura. " Well husband care to explain why you have brought your mortal daughter to your kingdom. Even thought the laws clearly states that no God or Goddess must interfere with their children lives. Right my husband." Ampridites calmly stated to me. I look at her strait into her ocean blue eyes and answer. " You are right Ampridites we gods are not permitted to raised our children but their is always loopholes in any laws. And I have found one to helps my daughter." I said to her. Ampridites look surprise it the news I had brought to her. But it was now my turn to be surprised for she had decide to hold Sakura. It was a surprise because I know how much my wife rarely interacted with my demigod children and stayed neutral with them unlike my brother's wife. " Well this little one is quite special is she not Poseidon. You Sakura it is true I am resentful to my husbands mortal children but you I believe in the near future a will cherish you like one of my own you are family either way and my son will be a good big brother . I will help you the most I can Poseidon. " Ampridites said to me and my son nodded his had in agreement with her. So my wife was smitten with my only daughter that is a nice change." I will tell you what is going to happen but for tonight I will need your help in taking care of her. Sense I believe we are both rusty over the years seen we had a baby in our home. Then I will ask of you to accompany me to Olympus to speak with the rest of the gods on the matter of Sakura." I said to Ampridites. She look quite though full and had a peculiar look in her eyes it seams to be of surprise that I want her to help with one of my demigod children. " Well this is something new but what happen to her mother?" Ampridites question. She saw the pain in my eyes and did not question me foreword instead she just got Sakura ready for bed . As the started of the new day I was woken to the sight of my little angel and my wife. I transport us to Mount Olympus that has been moved to The Empire State Building because with the passage of time in new region. There in their human form stood the rest of the Olympians my family. " Zeus I has permission to let Sakura be raised inside Camp Half Blood " I had humbly ask my brother the king of the sky. " Will allowed this only if Sakura here will also later on spent time in New Roman. And if it's all right with Dianoyus. " Zeus thunders voice said to me. I look at Dianoyus with eyes saying that if he did not agree I will turn him into a dolphin and use him to entertain my wonderful court and then make him into a barbecue. " It is fine a wont mind having the little girl in the camp with all those brats come on then Uncle Poseidon she needs to meet Chiron" Dianoyus said. " Go we will resume this meeting on a later time when we are all don't have other things to do so if nobody else have any urging matters then I call this meeting to an end." Zeus declared. So me in and Dianoyus teleport to Camp Half Blood and there on top of the hill stood Chiron already waiting for us that old horse is always prepared. " Good day Lord Poseidon " Chiron called out to me. So this is were you will be living for quite some time my little angel be strong for your father. " Here you go this is Sakura all of her stuff will be in my cabin already please take care of here. And don't late no harm come to her." I told Chiron. " I love you my little girl I will, try as much to see you and don't forget I will always be their watching you take ca. " I told Sakura as I handed her to Chiron. I disappear in to the mist seen my little girl enter the borders of camp and knowing she will be safe. She will grow strong here and be with other children of my family.

Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy New Year with all my love

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