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trigger warning- mention of PTSD, mild torture (not detailed).

Troye's POV

I was standing there in my normal garbs, the baggy black shirt that highlighted my skinny frame, the tight black jeans that made it seem as if I was purely made out of bones, and finally my black sneakers that looked like typical converse shoes. I hear distant dings from the lift above me, indicating that it was near our level. My leg bounces up and down in anticipation as my heel clicks against the echoing tiles but no one dares to tell me to stop. Good move in their part.

I read the outline of my assignment, the description of the recent massacre more disturbing than most. In the morning a young man is abducted, tormented, and then murdered by the end of the night. Patterned kills, within the same general area all tying together with the same characteristics and still no one suspects the actual killer. The attached picture of the criminal was strikingly handsome, if I do say so myself. Such a shame really, another cute guy too mad for the world. Well on the brightside, I'll have some eye candy to distract me from everything else down here.

I take a second glance at the personal diagnosys form from our intel department, much more efficient than the police's but maybe that's just because we've had not only demons, but angels spying on this guy as well. None of them had the authority to take him in though, that's where I come in obviously. My eyes scan the detailed report, noticing the mental illness segment. Severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I groan aloud causing heads to turn. Disorders are always a doozy when it comes to the placement of their spirit because you have to consider whether they deserve to go to hell or not. Are their actions caused by this handicap they had no control of? Or do their actions go beyond the possible influence of the illness? All it is is just more work for me.

The elevator opens, revealing one of the banished souls that was sentenced to operate this lift and be hospitable to its passengers for the rest of eternity. "Hello, Marcus." I great with a passive aggressive grin. His teeth and fists clench but he smiles back all the same.

"Hello..sir." He struggles to spit, "Its beena while hasn't it?" The courtesy question sends flashbacks of his head splattering against a ceiling.

"Too long, Butler. Too long." I say sincerely, my head shaking leisurely as a low chuckle disperses from my mouth. I step into the confined space, throwing daggers with my eyes at the people who dared to step forward, attempting to  join me in the elevator. My dark attire contrasted with the transparent tiles beneath my feet and the walls surrounding me because when you're looking through them all you see is a pale fog of pastel colors and mesmerizing lights. We're in between celestial plains, flying through the illusion of time and the dimensions of space.

"So how's that kid that got me down here?" my senses and thoughts go into a temporary standstill as his inquiry processes in my head, "I forgot his name..." I bite on my lip so hard, black ooze seeps into my mouth, "Jerry? Wait no it started with a 'T'," my fists are balled up so violently that my nails pierce into my skin, "Tyron?" My neck gradual turns towards the scum leaning against the enclosed chamber, "All I know is that he was a sweet piece of a-" All my power musters up behind my flaming irises and shoots out like invisible daggers, "AHHHHH!!!" He wails in pain, the force of my ability too much for him to endure as he drops to his knees. His palms are spread out on the floor, his head bowing as if he's about to regurgitate his suffering in liquid form, and his entire body quivering from the shock of the torture I'm putting him through.

I sigh in content as I lean towards the control panel, stepping over his helpless form. I take out the card that was enclosed within my assignment folder, and swipe it through the indicated slot. My options are revealed and then I select the "Earth" button appearing as a floor number in a normal elevator. On the touch pad above the options, there are multiple locations. I scroll down to the 'N's and select New York City, New York. We move at a speed faster than light but I am unwavering, the scum that has just passed out on the other hand, is swerving from side to side, bouncing back each time he hits a wall.

Within seconds, we arrive at the Underground Demon's Association Landing Center, or UDALC for short. I am greeted with a flood of suck-up welcomes from people from my dimension but have an occupation here on earth. "Hello, Sir!" A couple beings waved from a corner of the vast room surrounded by file cabinets. "Pleasure to have you work with us!" Another handful of people said similarly from the security check towards the entrance. "Glad to see you're back!" I herd from behind me, probably maintenance for the teleport.

"Hello everyone, nice to see you all again," I waved, bestowing my grace upon them as I stepped out of the lift and on to the platform. I begin to stroll out, files in hand, but just as I'm about to leave I remember something. "Oh and by the way, the employee in my elevator just randomly passed out on me. Make sure to punish him properly." I order just as I step out into the open, polluted air.

I blend into the night as I stroll to this murderer's house. Although I could've just teleported there, I decided to take in my surroundings and relax along side the city lights. The glistening street lamps and building Windows morph with the shimmering stars in the sky. The cooling summer breeze wafts over me as if it's cleansing me of all my stress, despite that not being the case seeing as I'm currently on duty. But for the moment, I forget everything. I forget my past. I forget what I'm doing, where I'm going. And for once I forget who I am.

I am disrupted from my thoughts by a speeding taxi that turns the corner and passes right through me. My figment of a body separating and becoming one with the atmosphere for a split second before reassembling itself. "Watch where you're going, dickhead!" I shout at the top of my lungs regardless that the driving couldn't even see me let alone hear me. "Ugh." I express wordlessly as I realize what exactly my purpose of being here is. I stomp on the ground three times before a hologram appears in front of me. I type in the address of The Reaper's house and swipe my handy-dandy card before selecting a green button that's blinking the word "GO."

My body, once again, disassembles for the second time tonight as I drift through New York City until I am put together like a jigsaw puzzle in front of a quaint apartment door. I slide through the wall and enter a humble flat painted an off-white and candles placed in the center of a dining table. Beneath me is a tasteful carpet similar to the color of the walls and above me is an antique appearing chandelier. I inhale the air that surrounds me and recognize the warm, homey scent. "Nice place for a killer." I comment and continue to take it upon myself and scope out the living space. I reach a small hallway with doors on either side but the one all the way at the end is lit and slightly ajar. I notice a pare of feet stepping up to the exit that begin to step into the hall. Finally get to meet this guy face to face, I think to myself just before I make eye contact with a shortly built specimen that makes me feel as if my heart is breaking all over again. "For fuck's sake."

a/n- pretty sure you all know what's happening right about now. heh.

tumbs: ominousdan.tumblr.com

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