My Bestfriend..(Niall Horan Fanfic)

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I stomped through the hot sands,sweaty people pushing me and lots of kids running into me. I hated the beach,my mom thought it would be a good idea to send me and Brent here to bond. I frowned Brent didnt even bother he walked  away from me as soon as we got here.I scanned he large crowd,the sun beaming down on me most likely giving me sunburn. I sortve felt relieved when i found him.

"Brent" I yelled in his direction,no answer.

"BRENT!" I yelled again this time much  louder. He turned around giving me a glare. He walked over to me. "What?" he said,seeming quite annoyed.

"Were supposed to be bonding." I replied.

He raised an eyebrow "Nicki do you see this chick?" he smirked pointing towards the other direction. I roll my eyes pushing him into the large-chested red head he seemed to like so much. I walked in the oppsite direction towards the snack booth. I needed something to  quench my thirst. I smiled "One Pepsi please?" He handed me the bottle,I unscrewed the cap guzzling the delicious soda. I look around my eyes fall on a young girl couldnt be older then 6 or 7 years old,her long blonde hair was wet and scrunchy and she had a yellow whole peice on she was sitting building a sand fort. A boy who looked about my age approached her he had messy blond locks and blue eyes. He smiled at her "Sammi what are you doing?"

"Im building a sandy castle Ni" She half yelled up at him.

"Oh really,here let me add something " He placed a white shell on to her sculpture. Bad idea. She got really mad "HEY NO I DONT LIKE THAT!" she grabbed the shell and chucked it at him. I couldnt help but laugh. 

"Uhh im sorry Sam.." He replied hugging her.

She laughed and patted the spot next to her,motioning for him to sit down. She smiled when he did and they laughed as he helped her with the sand castle. I walked over to them,I really didnt want to  ruin that sister brother moment but I decided to anyway "Hey kiddo nice castle." I said with a smile. 

"Thanks!!" She looked up at me with with happiness in her eyes.

The boy stood up "Whats your name?"

I blushed a bit,I got shy easily "Uhh..Nichole but you can call me Nicki"

"I like your names mines Niall" He half smiled.

"Your names cool..whats yours kiddo?"

Niall responded "Oh thats Samantha,shes my little sister."

She tugged at my hand "My name is Sammi dont listen to him"

I just laughed. She smiled sitting  down as she started to decorate with shells and other things found on the beach. 

"Volleyball?" Niall asked.

"Yeah!" I responded.

He grabbed the ball and a game ensued. I won,Niall seemed defeated "Good game Nic,good game" He chuckled.

Brent approached us "Time to go home.."

I frowned as i handed my phone to Niall and he handed his phone to me. I put my number in his phone and wrote my name "Nichole :p"  I smiled when he handed me back my phone,I waved to him goodbye placing his phone in his hand. I was silent the whole way home as i clutched my nose. When I got out I was relieved,I rushed upstairs throwing off my tank top and revealing my grey sports bra. I then changed my shorts into some sweatpants and tied my dirty blonde hair in a pony tail. I took off the bracelets that strangulated my wrist and placed them in my bag. I then walked over towards my bed and went to sleep. I had some instresting dreams,My dreams subsided when i was waken up by my loud alarm clock. I hit it until it finally shut up. Then i got out of bed and groaned. It was Monday. I wriggled into some jeans,slipped a ramones t-shirt on and kicked on some old black converse shoes tucking it the laces out of pure laziness. I then took my hair out of the pony and brushed it out grabbing my bag and heading downstairs and into the car.

I sat in the hot car for what seemed like forever,my butt was sticking to the leather interior and it smelled something awful in here. It smelled like a mix of dirty socks,french fries and grease. I couldnt wait to breathe air that didnt smell like vomit. But then again I dreaded getting out of the car. I walked through the double doors heading straight towards my locker. Cassie my best friend since who knows when waved at me. She tucked her long black hair behind her ear and smiled showing off her braces and very visible dimples. 

"Are you ready for the science test??" She asked excitedly.

"Not  really." I shrugged,blowing the bangs out of my choclate eyes.

"Oh well..good luck." She smiled at me,walking down the hall.

I dreaded this exact moment. I frowned as I walked around the corner.My body stiffened preparing for what was going to happen. On cue she smirked looking at me 

"Hey Slut."

I frowned as she pushed me towards the locker "M-my names Nichole"

"And I care why you fat ugly loser"

She kicked me swiftly in the knee flipping her long brunette curls as she stomped down the hall. I hated Megan,I hate school..I hate everything. I walked down the hall reading for all the insults and comments. 

"Ewww look here comes Little Lesbo and her Loser self"

"Oh look the rare slutzilla!"

"Ohh Bitch Alert!"

"Hey Why dont you just kill yourself already.."

I couldnt take it anymore, I ran towards the girls bathroom,slamming and locking the stall door  behind me. I searched through my bag looking for the one thing I used in only these kindve suitations it was a daily thing for me. I sat on the toilet and clutched the knife. Looking at my wrist that was filled with cuts I made a new one sharply stabbing into my arm and making a long slash. Blood spilled out of the newly formed cut. Tears streamed down my cheeks hitting the open wound and making it burn. I threw the knife in my handbag and put on lots of bracelets. I clutched my books and headed towards class ready to brave the rest of the day.

(The only reason I rated this PG is because theres swear words and a self harm/mutilation towards one self..thanks for reading please comment and follow Thanks xxx)

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