Chapter 2

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I climbed down the rock and landed on the ground. Clover had been acting odd lately. It was starting to worry me. I wondered if it was family problems, camp problems, or just girly problems. I didn’t want to ask her because I didn’t want her going ballistic. I had never seen her get mad at me before, like the way I do with the Argo II. I pushed some bushes aside and I landed on the path to the bunker. I headed back that way, wondering if I could get up the courage to ask her what was wrong.

Clover POV

I made my way back toward camp. I needed to go to the Hypnos cabin and asked Clovis something. I pushed the last few branches away from the path and stepped into camp. Campers were running around the main commons area with brooms, papers, and all kinds of personal items. Ugh.... cabin inspections. I made my way to the Hypnos cabin and knocked on the door. No one answered so I pushed the door open. It swung open to reveal half a dozen kids snoozing on fluffy beds. You could almost see the zzz’s floating in the air. I tiptoed over to a big kids bed and shook his shoulder,

“Clovis, wake up!” Clovis looked like a baby cow lying down in the shade. He groaned and flipped over to see me.

“What?” he asked looking at me with squinty eyes.

“I need help with something.” Clovis flipped back onto his side and muttered,

“Maybe later.....” In about thirty seconds, he was asleep again.

“Clovis! I need help now! Wake up!” I shook him, but this time he didn’t move. I sighed and looked at him, then I got an idea. Annabeth had taught me the hard way to wake someone up. I yanked Clovis’s pillow from under his head. Clovis sat up faster than I thought possible and tried to grab his pillow,

“Hey! That’s not fair...” he began to doze off again but I smacked him with the pillow.

“Clovis, get up. I need your help.” Clovis rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

“Alright alright..... What?” I held tighter to the pillow,

“I need to know how to erase memories with the mist.” Clovis muttered something about not being able to sleep in and stood up.

“Well.... you could just use the river Lythe. It erases memories.” I shook my head.

“I need just to erase memories about one subject. I have heard that you can create memories with the mist, but can you erase memories with it?” Clovis scratched his chin, considering the question.

“Hmm....”  he said,

“What?” I asked “is that not possible?”

“Hmm...” I realized that Clovis had fallen asleep. I clapped in front of Clovis’s face and he shot awake,

“Come back Fido!” he cried, grabbing my hands, “Oh.... you’re not.... “ I sighed,

“Anyway.....?” Clovis let go and thought for a minute, then remembered what we had been talking about.

“Well.... it is possible, but I have never seen it done before with the mist. I have heard that Hera did it, but still. Not sure....” he began to doze off again and I clapped.

“I caught one!” he exclaimed, but realized that I was still sitting on the bed.

“So, just to make it simple, I just have to snap my fingers?” Clovis shook his head, getting rid of the drowsiness and to disagree with me.

“No, well partly, but not all of it. You have to think of a situation that you want to happen instead, then you have to think about what you want to erase. It’s hard work, but it should work....” Clovis dozed off again, but this time he started to fall toward the floor. I grabbed him and placed him on his bed. He muttered something about his mother’s cooking and cradled the pillow I had given back to him as I set him on his bed. I walked out the door and closed it behind me. Well, that went well, I thought to myself. I walked toward the Athena cabin, realizing that I had probably not made my bed. I walked inside and found Annabeth stuffing scrolls into the bookshelf.

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