I'm so sorry

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The Russians took my mother away for me and I'm was going to make them pay. They came to her funeral, it was like they were laughing in our faces. I was going to make sure they feel the pain that I'm feel right now.

"Look Jason, Trevor and Harry will go through the back, Babette, Gemma and Arabella will go through the front, Desmond will be on the roof, Anne would say inside the suv and be look out would be look out and will manage the radio to make sure the police don't come." I looked at map it all made sense. The plan was flawless.

"So where does Max come in?"

"If things go south, he would the extra help."

"Okay." We said in unison. Harry looked at me with a worried face. I pulled him a side. I crossed my arms.

"What Is your problem?" He looked at me as if it was obvious. I rosed my eyebrows.

"I just worried you get hurt." I look at him in the eyes. I smiled at him. He put his hands on my face. I kissed him.

"Okay, let get into the car." We all pile into the black suv. Harry hold my hand the whole car ride, It was comforting. He kissed my forehead, then my nose. I giggled.

"Get a fucking room, Harry!" Gemma yelled at us. I buried my face on him chest in embarrassment.

"GEMMA, GOD DAMN IT." Anne yelled at Gemma, Trevor laughed at her, Gemma pinched him. Tervor hissed. The suv stop in front of the warehouse. Everyone wore matching leather suits. I carried a shot gun, a knife, three guns, my weapon of choice, my Chinese ring daggers. Harry carried three guns, and a knife. I begged him to carry more but he refused. He got down and then help me down, he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my cheek. Gemma kissed Trevor goodbye. Jason pulled Babette into a hug and told her he loves her.

Gemma kicked the door opened. I shot the first shoot. I kept shooting until my shotgun was empty. I throw it on the floor. Gemma, Babette and I pulled our guns out and began to shoot. We killed everyone on our way. We left a trial of bodies. A man pick up his gun and Babette quickly shot him in his head. Gemma pulled out her knife and throw it, and it land in a guys eye, he fell to the ground. My gun ran out of bullets. A man was running towards me. I pulled out my Chinese ring daggers and spun them around my fingers and I cut his arm, chest then throat. He looked at me in the eyes as he fell to the ground. All of the men were dead. Harry was across for me. I put my dagger away. He ran to me and hugged me.

"Oh thank god, you are okay." I smiled at him. He had bloody fist, and his hair was out of place.

"Come on, lovebirds!" Jason yelled from the other side of the warehouse to a room the boss's office. Harry shoot the door, and Gemma kick it open. The boss had a gun point at us.

"Yo, chill we just want to talk." I put my hand up trying to stop him from pulling the trigger.

"Yeah, dude chill." Gemma agreed.

He looked at us. I put my guns on the floor the other followed my lead and put their down. He put his gun, on his desk.

"Two week ago, someone shot my mother in my house. Who shot the bullet?"

"I don't know." He lied to me I hate liars. I looked at him.

"Guys do you believe him?" I turned to Gemma, Trevor, Babette, Jason, and Harry. They all nodded no. When i turned back around i found the man reaching the for the gun. I pull out one of my daggers and I put it into his hand. He yelled and cursed. "Okay, lets try this again. Who shot the bullet that killed my mother?!?" I yell to him.

"P-please just k-kill don't me, i d-don't know." He lied again. I smiled.

I pulled another one. "Oh am not going to kill you, i just going to hurt you really bad." Jason giggle behind me.

"Jason, what the hell."

"You did not just use a joker reference." Everyone began to laugh as well.

"Jason really, really." I was angry. I put another on of my daggers into the man and twisted it. He yelled.

"Lucya, killed your mother she shoot the bullet." He yelled. He heart rised of the thought of her.

"Okay, where can I find the bitch?"

"Easy she is always next to the big boss." I felt uneasy when he said that. I picked up his gun and shot him in his head. His blood was all over my face. I got up off his desk and walked out the warehouse. The others followed me.

"I just was to go home." I said in Harry's arms. He helped me into the suv. I laid my head on his shoulder. I examined his hand and kissed his knuckles. He looked at me. He wipe the blood off my face then kissed me. It felt right.

"Mommy, make them stop."

"Harry, just wait until we get to th house please." Harry stuck his tongue at his sister and she did the same.

Harry carried me to our room. He unzip me suit and i did the same to him. We were completely naked. I kissed him. He bended me over the bed and stuck himself inside me.

"Baby, you looked so hot today." he spanked me. I gasped then moaned. He did it again and I moaned.

"Oh daddy." He thrusted inside me. He spanked me again. Then he thrusted and grabbed my ass. Our moans filled the bedroom." Daddy, Don't stop daddy." He thrusted to me harder. My legs started to shake, I was sweating and a pressure built up inside me, It was different and amazing. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. My body was shaking. I released the pressure and liquid flowed down my leg.

"Oh baby, is that all for me?"
I nodded. He bent down onto his knees and began to lick the liquid off my leg. Waves of pleasure filled my body. I grabbed the sheet and began to breath heavily. "Daddy!" I arched my back. "Daddy!" I yelled.

He got up and began to thrust inside me again. All I felt was pleasure. I grabbed the sheet again. He thrusted into me like there was no tomorrow. I yelled as he pulled my hair making my arch my back so he could kiss me. I kissed him. He pulled out then flip me so we were now face to face. He throw he into the bed again. He put himself back in and began to thrust again. My breast began to bounce up and down. Harry's eyes where fix on them. Then he finally grabbed and roughly squeezed him. I moaned. He smirked and did it again. Harry and I came at the same time as I did.

He laid on top of me. We both were breathing heavily. He was sweating. I kissed the top of his head. I ran my fingers on though his hair. I kissed his forehead, then his nose, and then his lips, his sweet lips. He lift me top and took us to the shower. The water felt nice on my skin. Harry hold me and didn't let me go until we had to change. As we laid in bed he put one hand on my thigh and the other on my breast and I smiled at him. I looked at his face and I knew he want to go again so we did, again and, again and, again.

You know you love me
Xoxo gossip girl

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