Party Last Night

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November 5, 2015

       Last Night I went to this so-called "Epic Party" which was not epic at all! I drank some but not much, It was awhile before I got major smashed and I knew it was gonna be a major hangover so I knew I didn't want to drink much. Anyway as I walked outside the party there was 6 boys lined up peeing together and I thought about lining up with them but then I thought about the commitment you have to have to look at other dudes penis. Cause once you look there is NO turning back. I cannot imagine looking at another dudes besides my own.

         Anyway I was at the party and I was watching everyone do bodyshots on hairy dudes and pretty blondes (that I would never date). The party was very boring because it was just like all other parties UNTIL MY friends came, John, Ian, and Becca. They are the crazy ones. THEY are awesome. We get to talking and John thinks of this crazy idea of how we should saran wrap all the toilets and some door ways, set up some cameras and watch it unfold. I have to admit that it was hilarious but nothing could compare to this one girl on a table. She had saran wrapped the table and had some dudes tip it so she could slide down it like a slide. It was so stupid but hilarious. She ended up breaking her nose because obviously she shouldn't have done that drunk.

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