rant #1

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OK so I have 500 hundred pounds of homework my fucking grades are bad and I just want to lie in bed and drown in my tears but no life is a fucking bitch and hates me and fucking school won't leave me alone but if I don't do my hw then I'm gonna be a sad middle aged woman with 50 cats and I just want a fairy to come and do the fucking homework its not even that bad tbh I'm just so fucking lazy ksbsbskssnbsissbjsos gosh life sucks and I know its not even that bad but if u think about it its what's gonna happen in the future that scares me and its not fair that some people get life on a silver platter and they throw it away for fucking drugs that make u feel good for .2 seconds gaaaaaahhh god I hate life kdndnslssdbksos like what is even the point
of writing essays and crap why must u give me projects no I don't learn from projects I hate teachers if u want to see me succeed don't give me a crap ton of hw gahhhh stupid school I'm an awful person there are probably people who have it much worse but still god school sucks

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