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"A married woman, are you insane!"

The King slammed down the paper hard on his hand carved cedar desk. "I've had enough Saqr. Your behaviour is bringing disrepute to our good name and leaving a bad taste in the people's mouth."

Crossing his arms the tall, dark headed prince scoffed. "The bitch set one up," he snarled. "We had no idea she was married." Or planned to use blackmail. He refused to pay, and hence the paper article. Married woman seduced into the Sheikh's bed.

"The problem is you're tarnishing our good name. So you need to clean up your image. You have a duty to the palace, and your country."

"That I didn't want. We have no idea, if he's still alive or not," Saqr hissed, still such a touchy subject, closing his eyes briefly as he fought that old feeling and acid of bile that threatened to rise up into his throat.

The King sighed, running a hand through his greying hair. He had aged overnight, ever since his eldest son had been in a helicopter accident, presumed dead. His body never found, but the wreck of the helicopter had been massive, pieces scattered everywhere. He had to close the book on his son, and carry on though his heart ached.

"Blame the Australian press, who printed such lies. A parade in front of the people, shake hands, kiss babies etc, etc, should calm things down." Saqr waved the scandal away in dismissal.

"Not this time." The King tapped the paper. "This is worldwide, and we have very important talks coming. Others are beginning to see you are an unstable influence in our country.

A dark brow rose. "I'm so sorry, I didn't die, instead of my brother," he snarled, still so much anger in him, at the world for taking away his best friend, and brother in the prime of his life.

Sadly, the King shook his head. "Don't say such things Saqr. Haven't I already lost a son without losing another?"

Tiredly Saqr raked a hand over his face. "Sorry father, I know that wasn't called for, but really, do I have to have someone follow me for a week. Who came up with such a lame title? 'A week in the life of a Sheikh.'" He mocked.

"It's an interest piece. People are interested in what you do, every day of your life."

"Breathe, like everyone else," he noted dryly.

"Yes, I know you are doing this under duress, however, it's important, and only would do you good. You will behaviour yourself, Saqr. I won't have you playing around with Miss Natalie Forrester." He straightened with interest. "Yes, I thought that might peak your interest. She is a daughter of a very good friend of mine," he was warned.

"So you're doing him a favour?" So completely out of bounds. Not that he was interested, because he wasn't. He had enough of scheming, treacherous female variety, lasting a lifetime or two. "Don't worry father, I have no interest in your little reporter. Could be problematic, having a female following me around everywhere." Most places were men only, feeling slightly relieved. He could get some peace and quiet, when needed.

"Miss Forrester has access to all areas. It has been cleared." Damn. If he had to do this, he was going in kicking and screaming. That was the last thing he wanted, and no-one knew, how much damage would be done by the unscrupulous bitch. Then again, he shouldn't have gotten involved with her, should he?

"So when is this lovely Miss Forrester arriving," He frowned, because the name sounded familiar. He reached across, turning around the Australian paper. "Forrester? Not Lawrence Forrester, the owner of this paper?"

"The one and only."

"I thought he was your friend, and he published this rubbish," he spat, tossing the paper across the table that mocked him, and seemed to burn his fingers. He couldn't suppress his shudder of repulsion in time.

"Lawrence published first to stop more damage being done. He had no choice, putting a spin on it in your favour. She looks more like the hard, cold, heartless blood sucker."

"And I look the fool with egg on my face." He was also angry, his father believed it so easily. Then again lately, he hadn't given his father any reason to believe in him. He just wished he had stood up and said it was all lies. He didn't believe his son was capable of such disgraceful behaviour. He wasn't, and caught in a web of lies. Lies of his own making. He'd do this piece, and get everyone off his back, but didn't mean he had to be over cooperative, now did it. "So when?" He paused.

"She is arriving as we speak. You would meet her tomorrow. I just want her to settle in first."

"I guess it's just a week," he sighed grudgingly.

"A month," his father corrected to his horror that spread across his handsome face.

"It's called A week in the life, so how can it be a month?" A week he could handle, barely, but a whole damn month!

"Could be longer. All depends. It's not an actual documentary on film. A lot of times, things would interfere and mess up the schedule. You know what the palace is like. Unpredictable. Also, there are the photo shoots.

His mouth dropped open to slam shut, placing hands on his dark pants hips. "What photo shoots? Damn it, father, you're turning me into a circus show."

The King pointed at the photo in the paper. "I think you have already done that all by yourself, don't you? Time to grow up son, and face your future."

Saqr leaned in closer, hands flat on his desk. "Why did you have to have so many daughters?!" Angrily, he stormed out in a long, legged stride.

The King folded the paper up, placing in his desk for safe keeping. The story had been killed off, of course. The woman paid off, but his son didn't need to know that. As for the other, he would be kept busy. He had to keep a close eye on his son. His back was up. Not so good for Natalie. It's time to find out, if she had a backbone. If she was anything like her father that would be a resounding yes. Both fathers trying to protect their children. The past year had been the hardest on Saqr. Losing his brother like that, and so close. Of course, he went off the rails, now it was time to bring him back on track.

To be the ruler that he could be.

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