Snily (Severus Snape/Lily Evans)

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I guess I can see why someone would ship them, but personally, I can't stand it! Here are the reasons I don't like it (well, a few of them).

1: Yes Snape loved Lily since he met her, but he did put his death-eater friends first. Then, he told her stuff about James, and she wasn't 'allowed' to like him.

2: When Snape found out Lily was being hunted, he did beg Dumbledore to save her. But he didn't mention Harry or James. He would have let them die as long as he got what he wanted. He wouldn't have cared if Lily was happy or not. He just GAH! Sorry. I lost it for a moment.

3: He kept making mistakes, and them begging for forgiveness. Like, he called her Mudblood, and then he was like 'I swear I didn't mean to. Please please please forgive me Lily. I'm not as slimy as I look' and Lily saw right through it. He only cared about her dating him. He didn't care if she was happy.
Those are three of my reasons. If I offended anyone, it was completely unintentional.

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